- Rates Request
- Rates Response
- Bill Request
- Bill Response
- BillSavings Request
- BillSavings Response
- Location{...}
- Bills[{...}]
- MeterName
- CurrentBill{...}
- HoursInBill
- Rate{...}
- BillTotals{...}
- EnergyTotals{...}
- PeriodBills[{...}]
- ProposedBill{...}
- HoursInBill
- Rate{...}
- BillTotals{...}
- EnergyTotals{...}
- PeriodBills[{...}]
- CashFlow{...}
- Incentives{...}
- Emissions{...}
An array containing details of all available incentives, including payments by year and a URL where further program info may be found.
A descriptive name for an incentive.
Possible Values: A string such as “Federal PV Tax Credit”.
The type of incentive.
Possible Values: A string equal to “FederalTaxCredit”, “StateTaxCredit”, “LocalTaxCredit”, “Buydown”, or “Production”.
A URL where more information on the incentive can be found.
Possible Values: A string such as “http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f5695.pdf“.
The Name of the EnergyProfile for which the incentive applies.
Possible Values: A string value such as “House” that matches Name provided in the request (Name defaults to Type if omitted in the request).
The sum of Amount from each year in the array Years for which an incentive payment is received. Note that TotalAmount is the total after taxes.
Possible Values: A decimal value such as 4,800.00.
The sum of Taxes from each year in the array Years for which an incentive payment is received. Taxes will not be included if IncludeTaxEffects is “False” in the request.
Possible Values: A decimal value such as 4,800.00.
An array containing details of incentive payments and taxes for each year in which the incentive is applicable.