- Rates Request
- Rates Response
- Bill Request
- Bill Response
- BillSavings Request
- BillSavings Response
- Location{...}
- Bills[{...}]
- MeterName
- CurrentBill{...}
- HoursInBill
- Rate{...}
- BillTotals{...}
- EnergyTotals{...}
- PeriodBills[{...}]
- ProposedBill{...}
- HoursInBill
- Rate{...}
- BillTotals{...}
- EnergyTotals{...}
- PeriodBills[{...}]
- CashFlow{...}
- Incentives{...}
- Emissions{...}
Contains utility bill and energy use details for the proposed scenario. When more than one EnergyProfile has Scenario as “Proposed” or “Both”, the profiles will be combined into one single profile for bill calculation purposes.
The total number of hours over all periods in the bill calculation.
Possible Values: A decimal value such as 8760.0.
Contains information on the electric rate used for the bill calculation, such as a description of the rate and the utility that offers the rate.
Contains a breakdown of the bill line items that make up the total bill, such as fixed charges, energy charges, and demand charges. BillTotals is repeated throughout the response schema. When found at the billing period level under PeriodBills, BillTotals contains a bill breakdown for that billing period. BillTotals contains a bill breakdown with totals for all billing periods when found outside of PeriodBills.
Contains energy use details such as energy consumed, energy produced, and peak load. EnergyTotals is repeated throughout the response schema. When found at the billing period level under PeriodBills, EnergyTotals contains energy use details for that billing period. When found outside of PeriodBills, EnergyTotals contains energy use details with totals for all billing periods.
An array containing a detailed breakdown of bill totals and energy use details for each individual billing period.