
Application & Process Automation

Minimize processing overhead and unlock the value of your data with programmatic access to PowerClerk®.
Utilities and Energy Agencies can further integrate and automate PowerClerk workflows and reporting to maximize the value of PowerClerk subscriptions:

  • Populate and update external systems (e.g., ERP, CRM, CIS, billing, etc.) with PowerClerk data.
  • Create and update projects programmatically, including status changes.
  • Integrate distribution planning systems to automate technical screening.
  • Provide real-time information about distributed generation penetration on utility circuits via GIS maps
Where would you like to start?
Getting Started

Learn how to programmatically access basic PowerClerk functions and explore how to make API calls.
Common Usage Scenarios

Find examples of common usage scenarios that outline using the API to familiarize yourself with the API’s capabilities.

Using Custom IDs

Uniquely identify which object a caller is referring to, without having to worry about program administrators relabelling those objects through the UI.
API Method Reference

Start exploring the detailed schema structure for each API method, including parameter descriptions, defaults and expected values.
Code Samples

Review code examples to help you realize your use case scenario with PowerClerk’s API.