Energy APIs that bring the industry’s most trusted datasets and insights to your apps


Utility Rates & Bill Savings

Calculate bills and model what-if scenarios, including incentive impacts.

Bill Calculations

Bill Savings & Energy Simulations

Rates Lookup

Complete Schema

Application & Process Automation

Automate energy program administration and application submissions via PowerClerk®.

Getting Started

Common Usage Scenarios

Using Custom IDs

API Method Reference

Code Samples

Satellite Icon

SolarAnywhere API

For information on SolarAnywhere’s Irradiance & Weather Data and Solar Simulations APIs, please visit the SolarAnywhere API Documentation website.

Versatile Web Services from
Clean Power Research
Electric rate and incentive services that simplify complex energy decisions.
Solar resource data and power simulation services.
Power Clerk
Program administration software for optimizing interconnection and incentive processes.
Obtain API keys for your projects and learn the general structure of requests and responses.