
Basic Asynchronous Request

Method: POST

Use the example requests below to request monthly total/average values at your locations of interest. Visit our support center to learn more about SolarAnywhere average year summaries. Required attributes are: Latitude, Longitude, WeatherDataSource, SpatialResolution_Degrees, MissingDataHandling, and OutputFields. Visit the average year summary options page to learn more about each CreateAverageYearSummaryRequest attribute.

With average year summary requests, you have the option to include the following simulated output fields:

  • SoilingLossesDC_Percent
  • SnowLossesDC_Percent
  • PlaneOfArrayIrradiance_WattsPerMeterSquared

If you would like to include these output fields, start with the “Fixed Tilt System” or “Single-axis Tracking System” example below. Our simulation terms & concepts page provides additional detail on the snow and soiling loss models implemented to generate snow and soiling loss output fields.

  "Sites": [
      "Name": "Lisbon", 
      "Latitude": 38.725,
      "Longitude": -9.155
  "Options": {
    "OutputFields": [
    "SpatialResolution_Degrees": 0.1,
    "WeatherDataSource": "SolarAnywhereLatest",
    "MissingDataHandling": "Blank"
  "Sites": [
      "Name": "Calgary", 
      "Latitude": 51.045,
      "Longitude": -114.055
  "Options": {
    "OutputFields": [
    "SpatialResolution_Degrees": 0.1,
    "WeatherDataSource": "SolarAnywhereLatest",
    "MissingDataHandling": "Blank"
  "ArrayConfiguration": {
    "Azimuth_Degrees": 180,
    "Tilt_Degrees": 30.0,
    "Tracking": "Fixed",
    "RelativeRowSpacing": 3
  "Sites": [
      "Name": "Calgary", 
      "Latitude": 51.045,
      "Longitude": -114.055
  "Options": {
    "OutputFields": [
    "SpatialResolution_Degrees": 0.1,
    "WeatherDataSource": "SolarAnywhereLatest",
    "MissingDataHandling": "Blank"
  "ArrayConfiguration": {
    "Azimuth_Degrees": 180.000,
    "Tracking": "SingleAxis",
    "TrackingRotationLimit_Degrees": 60,
    "RelativeRowSpacing": 3
  "Sites": [
      "Name": "Calgary", 
      "Latitude": 51.045,
      "Longitude": -114.055
  "Options": {<br />    "SoilingLossModel": "HSU",
    "OutputFields": [
    "SpatialResolution_Degrees": 0.1,
    "WeatherDataSource": "SolarAnywhereLatest",
    "MissingDataHandling": "Blank"
  "ArrayConfiguration": {
    "Azimuth_Degrees": 180.000,<br />    "Tilt_Degrees": 30.0
    "Tracking": "Fixed",
    "RelativeRowSpacing": 3
  "Sites": [
      "Name": "Calgary", 
      "Latitude": 51.045,
      "Longitude": -114.055
  "Options": {
    "SoilingLossModel": "Kimber",
    "OutputFields": [
    "SpatialResolution_Degrees": 0.1,
    "WeatherDataSource": "SolarAnywhereLatest",
    "MissingDataHandling": "Blank"
  },<br />  "PvSystem": {<br />    "CleaningTheshold_Millimeters": 6,<br />    "DailySoilingLossRate": 0.0015,<br />    "SoilingGracePeriod_Days": 14,<br />    "ManualWashesPerMonth": [<br />      0,<br />      0,<br />      0,<br />      0,<br />      0,<br />      0,<br />      0,<br />      0,<br />      0,<br />      0,<br />      0,<br />      0<br />    ]<br />  },<br /> "ArrayConfiguration": {
    "Azimuth_Degrees": 180.000,
    "Tilt_Degrees": 30.0
    "Tracking": "Fixed",
    "RelativeRowSpacing": 3
  "Sites": [
      "Name": "Calgary", 
      "Latitude": 51.045,
      "Longitude": -114.055
  "Options": {
    "SnowLossModel": "NREL",
    "OutputFields": [
    "SpatialResolution_Degrees": 0.1,
    "WeatherDataSource": "SolarAnywhereLatest",
    "MissingDataHandling": "Blank"
  "PvSystem": {
    "ThesholdSnowfall_CentimeterPerHour": 1.0,
    "CanSlideCoefficient_WattPerMeterSquareCelsius": -80,
    "SlideAmountCoefficient": 0.197,
 "ArrayConfiguration": {
    "Azimuth_Degrees": 180.000,
    "Tilt_Degrees": 30.0
    "Tracking": "Fixed",
    "RelativeRowSpacing": 3<br />    "NumStrings": 2
  "Sites": [
      "Name": "Calgary", 
      "Latitude": 51.045,
      "Longitude": -114.055
  "Options": {
    "SnowLossModel": "Townsend",
    "OutputFields": [
    "SpatialResolution_Degrees": 0.1,
    "WeatherDataSource": "SolarAnywhereLatest",
    "MissingDataHandling": "Blank"
  "PvSystem": {
    "RowSlantHeight_Meters": 1.67,
    "GroundClearance_Meters": 0.9,
 "ArrayConfiguration": {
    "Azimuth_Degrees": 180.000,
    "Tilt_Degrees": 30.0
    "Tracking": "Fixed",
    "RelativeRowSpacing": 3
    "NumStrings": 2