Average Year Summary Request Options

This page presents descriptions of the options you can specify for each CreateAverageYearSummaryRequest attribute. Required attributes include: WeatherDataSource, SpatialResolution_Degrees, MissingDataHandling, and OutputFields.


The specification of the solar model used in generating the irradiance-specific OutputFields.  Available solar models are license-specific.

Possible values: A string value such as SolarAnywhere3_5.

Currently supported options include:

  • SolarAnywhereLatest: SolarAnywhere time-series in the latest available model. The available time period varies by geographic region. Include the DataVersion output field in your request to see which model version is the latest.
  • SolarAnywhere3_7: SolarAnywhere time-series version 3.7. The available time period varies by geographic region.
  • SolarAnywhere3_6: SolarAnywhere time-series version 3.6. The available time period varies by geographic region.
  • SolarAnywhere3_5: SolarAnywhere time-series version 3.5. The available time period varies by geographic region.
  • SolarAnywhere3_4: SolarAnywhere time-series version 3.4. The available time period varies by geographic region.
  • SolarAnywhere3_3: SolarAnywhere time-series version 3.3, available in North and South America from January 1, 1998 through June 30, 2022.


The specification of the desired spatial resolution of the irradiance OutputFields. Visit our support center to learn more about SolarAnyhwere data resolutions.

Possible values: A decimal value such as 0.1.

Currently supported values:

  • 0.1 – Corresponds to an irradiance data resolution of approximately 10-kilometers (Standard Resolution).
  • 0.01 – Corresponds to an irradiance data resolution of approximately 1-kilometer (Enhanced Resolution).


The specification of desired output data fields in the WeatherDataResult response. Availability subject to license access.

Possible values: A string value containing one or more values from the list below, such as GlobalHorizontalIrradiance_WattsPerMeterSquared, separated by a comma.

Currently supported values:

  • GlobalHorizontalIrradiance_WattsPerMeterSquared – the average total irradiance covering a plane horizontal to the surface of the earth. Units of W/m2.
  • DirectNormalIrradiance_WattsPerMeterSquared – the average irradiance incident on a surface normal (perpendicular) to the sun. Units of W/m2.
  • DiffuseHorizontalIrradiance_WattsPerMeterSquared – the average scattered irradiance covering a plane horizontal to the surface of the earth. Units of W/m2.
  • AmbientTemperature_DegreesC – the average ambient temperature at 2-meters above the surface over the period of measure specified by TimeResolution_Minutes. Units of degrees Celsius.
  • WindSpeed_MetersPerSecond – the average wind speed at 10-meters above the surface over the period of measure specified by TimeResolution_Minutes. Units of meters per second.
  • RelativeHumidity_Percent – the measurement of moisture content of the air as a ratio of the partial pressure of water to the vapor pressure at ambient temperature. Percentage.
  • SnowDepth_Meters – the measurement of the height of solid precipitation accumulated on the ground. Units of meters.
  • LiquidPrecipitation_KilogramsPerMeterSquared – a measurement of volume of liquid, primarily water, that condenses out of the atmosphere. Units of kg/m2.
  • SolidPrecipitation_KilogramsPerMeterSquared – a measurement of volume of solid, primarily water, that condenses out of the atmosphere. Units of kg/m2.
  • Albedo_Unitless – a measurement of the fraction of the GHI that is reflected off the ground. Only available in requests for SolarAnywhere versions 3.5 and later. Unitless.
  • ParticulateMatter2.5_MicrogramsPerMeterCubed – a measurement of the amount of particles in the air with diameters less than or equal to 2.5 micrometers. Only available in requests for SolarAnywhere versions 3.5 and later. Units of kg/m3.
  • ParticulateMatter10_MicrogramsPerMeterCubed – a measurement of the amount of particles in the air with diameters less than or equal to 10 micrometers. Only available in requests for SolarAnywhere versions 3.5 and later. Units of kg/m3.
  • SoilingLossesDC_Percent – The percentage of total DC power output lost due to dirt accumulation on the PV module surfaces. Only available in requests for SolarAnywhere versions 3.5 and later.
  • SnowLossesDC_Percent – The percentage of total DC power output lost due to snow accumulation on the PV module surfaces. Only available in requests for SolarAnywhere versions 3.5 and later.
  • PlaneOfArrayIrradiance_WattsPerMeterSquared – The irradiance incident on the plane of the array (POA) based on the sun’s position, the module spacing, the module orientation (azimuth), tracking (if applicable), shading and ground surface albedo. POAI is modeled using the Perez transposition model. Units of W/m2.

For more information, see Terms & Concepts or visit the SolarAnywhere support center to learn more about the native spatial and temporal resolutions for each of these output fields.


The specification for handling historical periods with missing solar model inputs. Missing inputs occur on rare occasions, typically when the satellite images used to predict irradiance are not available. Periods of missing solar model inputs are incorporated into the monthly sums/averages presented in the GetAverageYearSummaryResultResponse. For observations missing four consecutive hours of satellite imagery or less on either side of the timestamp, data are interpolated or extrapolated automatically. Preferences for MissingDataHandling can be specified for observations missing more than four consecutive hours of imagery on either side.

Possible values: A string of value such as FillAverage.

Currently supported values:

  • Blank – missing periods are left blank (default if option is not specified).
  • FillAverage – missing periods are filled with long-term averages. For example, if 2013-02-01T10:00:00-08:00 were a missing observation, the average value for 10:00:00-08:00 on February 1 from all populated years beginning in 1998 would be filled. This option requires additional request processing time.


Optional array configuration component that specifies the compass direction towards which the PV panels are facing. A default of 180 degrees is used for systems in the Northern Hemisphere and 0 degrees for PV systems in the Southern Hemisphere.

Possible values: An integer value from 0 to 180.


Optional array configuration component that specifies if the PV system is set to a fixed tilt or tracks the angle of the sun throughout the day.

Possible values: A string value value such as Fixed.

Currently supported values:

  • Fixed – PV system does not track
  • SingleAxis – PV system uses north-south horizontal axis tracking where axis tilt = 0. Backtracking is not enabled.


Optional array configuration component that specifies the surface tilt of fixed tilt PV arrays. If not specified, tilt angle will default to 30 degrees.

Possible values: An integer value from 0 to 90.


Optional array configuration component that specifies the rotational limit for single axis tracking PV arrays. For example, a value of 60 means the tracker can move +/-60 degrees around the axis of rotation for an overall range of 120 degrees. If not specified, the tracking rotation limit will default to 30 degrees.

Possible values: An integer value from 0 to 90.


Optional array configuration component that specifies the the inverse of the ground coverage ratio (GCR) and can be calculated as the ratio of row-to-row pitch to array length. If not specified, relative row spacing will default to 3. Learn more about this component at our terms & concepts page.

Possible values: A decimal value such as 2.5.


Optional array configuration component that specifies the number of parallel-connected strings along a row slant height. If not specified, numstrings will default to 2 for fixed axis arrays or 1 for tracking arrays. Learn more about this component at our terms & concepts page.

Possible values: An integer value from 1 to 10.


Optional snow loss PV system component that specifies the hourly snowfall above which snow coverage is set to the row’s slant height. Only used for NREL snow loss model.


Optional snow loss PV system component that specifies the coefficient used to determine if snow can slide off PV modules given irradiance and air temperature. Only used for NREL snow loss model.

Possible values: An integer value from -1000 to -1.


Optional snow loss PV system component that specifies the fraction of snow that slides off PV modules in one hour. Only used for NREL snow loss model.


Optional snow loss PV system component that specifies row height in the slanted plane of array. Only used for Townsend snow loss model.

Possible values: A decimal value from 0.5 to 3.


Optional snow loss PV system component that specifies the distance from the array lower edge to the ground. Only used for Townsend snow loss model.

Possible values: A decimal value from 0.1 to 2.


Optional soiling loss PV system component that specifies the minimum amount of rain in an accumulation period required to clean the PV modules. Can be specified for either the HSU or Kimber soiling loss model.

Possible values: A decimal value from 1 to 20.


Optional soiling loss PV system component that specifies the period for accumulating rainfall used with the cleaning threshold parameter. Can be specified for either the HSU or Kimber soiling loss model.

Possible values: An integer value from 1 to 24.


Optional soiling loss PV system component that specifies the fraction of energy lost per day due to soiling. Only used for Kimber soiling loss model.

Possible values: A decimal value from 0 to 1.


Optional soiling loss PV system component that specifies the number of days after a rainfall event where there is assumed to be no soiling. Only used for Kimber soiling loss model.

Possible values: An integer value from 0 to 50.


Optional soiling loss PV system component that specifies the number of times the PV modules are washed per month. Washes are assumed to be roughly evenly spaced within a month. Only used for Kimber soiling loss model.

Possible values: A list of integer values from [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] to [31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31].