Weather Data Request Options

This page presents descriptions of the options you can specify for each CreateWeatherDataRequest attribute. Required attributes include: WeatherDataSource, StartTime and EndTime (if WeatherDataSource is time-series based), SpatialResolution_Degrees, TimeResolution_Minutes, and OutputFields or SummaryOutputFields.


The specification of the solar model used in generating the irradiance-specific OutputFields.  Available solar models are license-specific.

Possible values: A string value such as SolarAnywhere3_5.

Currently supported options include:

  • SolarAnywhereLatest: SolarAnywhere time-series in the latest available model. The available time period varies by geographic region. Include the DataVersion output field in your request to see which model version is the latest
  • SolarAnywhereTGYLatest: SolarAnywhere typical GHI year, generated using the latest available historical model version. Eligible years: earliest available (varies by geographic region) through the last full year considered in the latest TGY dataset. Include the DataVersion output field in your request to see which TGY dataset is the latest. Visit our support center to learn more.
  • SolarAnywhereTDYLatest: SolarAnywhere typical DNI year, generated using the latest available historical model version. Eligible years: earliest available (varies by geographic region) through the last full year considered in the latest TDY dataset. Include the DataVersion output field in your request to see which TDY dataset is the latest. Visit our support center to learn more.
  • SolarAnywhereHindcast: SolarAnywhere hindcast. Available from January 1, 2019 through 2 months prior to present.
  • SolarAnywhereAverageYearLatest: SolarAnywhere average GHI year, generated using the latest available historical model version. Eligible years: earliest available (varies by geographic region) through the last full year considered in the latest average year dataset. Include the DataVersion output field in your request to see which average year dataset is the latest.
  • SolarAnywherePOELatest: SolarAnywhere GHI year, based on a user specified probability of exceedance (POE) value, generated using the latest available historical model version. Eligible years: earliest available (varies by geographic region) through the last full year considered in the latest POE dataset. Include the DataVersion output field in your request to see which POE dataset is the latest. Visit our support center to learn more.
  • SolarAnywhere3_7: SolarAnywhere time-series version 3.7. The available time period varies by geographic region.
  • SolarAnywhere3_6: SolarAnywhere time-series version 3.6. The available time period varies by geographic region.
  • SolarAnywhere3_5: SolarAnywhere time-series version 3.5. The available time period varies by geographic region.
  • SolarAnywhere3_4: SolarAnywhere time-series version 3.4. The available time period varies by geographic region.
  • SolarAnywhere3_3: SolarAnywhere time-series version 3.3, available in North and South America from January 1, 1998 through June 30, 2022.
  • SolarAnywhere3_2: SolarAnywhere time-series version 3.2, available in North America from January 1, 1998 through June 30, 2022.
  • SolarAnywhereTGY2022: SolarAnywhere typical GHI year, based on historical model version 3.7, eligible years: earliest available (varies by geographic region)-2022. Visit our support center to learn more.
  • SolarAnywhereTDY2022: SolarAnywhere typical DNI year, based on historical model version 3.7, eligible years: earliest available (varies by geographic region)-2022. Visit our support center to learn more.
  • SolarAnywhereTGY2021: SolarAnywhere typical GHI year, based on historical model version 3.6, eligible years: earliest available (varies by geographic region)-2021. Visit our support center to learn more.
  • SolarAnywhereTDY2021: SolarAnywhere typical DNI year, based on historical model version 3.6, eligible years: earliest available (varies by geographic region)-2021. Visit our support center to learn more.
  • SolarAnywhereTGY2020: SolarAnywhere typical GHI year, based on historical model version 3.5, eligible years: earliest available (varies by geographic region)-2020. Visit our support center to learn more.
  • SolarAnywhereTDY2020: SolarAnywhere typical DNI year, based on historical model version 3.5, eligible years: earliest available (varies by geographic region)-2020. Visit our support center to learn more.
  • SolarAnywhereTGY2019: SolarAnywhere typical GHI year, based on historical model version 3.4, eligible years: earliest available (varies by geographic region)-2019. Visit our support center to learn more.
  • SolarAnywhereTDY2019: SolarAnywhere typical DNI year, based on historical model version 3.4, eligible years: earliest available (varies by geographic region)-2019. Visit our support center to learn more.
  • SolarAnywhereTGY2018: SolarAnywhere typical GHI year, based on historical model version 3.3, eligible years: earliest available (varies by geographic region)-2018. Visit our support center to learn more.
  • SolarAnywhereTDY2018: SolarAnywhere typical DNI year, based on version 3.3, eligible years: earliest available (varies by geographic region)-2018. Visit our support center to learn more.
  • SolarAnywhereTGY2016: SolarAnywhere typical GHI year, based on historical model version 3.2, eligible years 1998-2016. Available in North America only.
  • SolarAnywhereTDY2016: SolarAnywhere typical DNI year, based on historical model version 3.2, eligible years 1998-2016. Available in North America only.
  • SolarAnywhereAverageYear2022: SolarAnywhere average GHI year, based on historical model version 3.7, long-term averages, eligible years: earliest available (varies by geographic region)-2022.
  • SolarAnywhereAverageYear2021: SolarAnywhere average GHI year, based on historical model version 3.6, long-term averages, eligible years: earliest available (varies by geographic region)-2021.
  • SolarAnywhereAverageYear2020: SolarAnywhere average GHI year, based on historical model version 3.5, long-term averages, eligible years: earliest available (varies by geographic region)-2020.
  • SolarAnywhereAverageYear2019: SolarAnywhere average GHI year, based on historical model version 3.4, long-term averages, eligible years: earliest available (varies by geographic region)-2019.
  • SolarAnywhereAverageYear2018: SolarAnywhere average GHI year, based on historical model version 3.3, long-term averages, eligible years: earliest available (varies by geographic region)-2018.
  • SolarAnywhereAverageYear2016: SolarAnywhere average GHI year, based on historical model version 3.2, long-term averages, 1998-2016. Available in North America only.
  • SolarAnywherePOE2022: SolarAnywhere GHI year, based on a user specified probability of exceedance (POE) value, generated using historical model version 3.7, eligible years: earliest available (varies by geographic region)-2022. Visit our support center to learn more.
  • SolarAnywherePOE2021: SolarAnywhere GHI year, based on a user specified probability of exceedance (POE) value, generated using historical model version 3.6, eligible years: earliest available (varies by geographic region)-2021. Visit our support center to learn more.
  • SolarAnywherePOE2020: SolarAnywhere GHI year, based on a user specified probability of exceedance (POE) value, generated using historical model version 3.5, eligible years: earliest available (varies by geographic region)-2020. Visit our support center to learn more.
  • SolarAnywherePOE2019: SolarAnywhere GHI year, based on a user specified probability of exceedance (POE) value, generated using historical model version 3.4, eligible years: earliest available (varies by geographic region)-2019. Visit our support center to learn more.
  • SolarAnywherePOE2018: SolarAnywhere GHI year, based on a user specified probability of exceedance (POE) value, generated using historical model version 3.3, eligible years: earliest available (varies by geographic region)-2018. Visit our support center to learn more.
  • SolarAnywherePOE2016: SolarAnywhere GHI year, based on a user specified probability of exceedance (POE) value, generated using historical model version 3.2, eligible years 1998-2016. Available in North America only. Visit our support center to learn more.
  • TMY3: NREL NSRDB typical GHI year, based on revised TMY3, eligible years 1976-2005 or 1991-2005 depending on location. Will return data from the NSRDB station closest to the requested location.


The specification of the absolute start time of the data request. Required for time-series data. Omitted for typical year data.

Possible values: A string value such as 2011-11-11T00:00:00-08:00.

Follows date:time plus GMT offset convention out of ISO_8601, for example: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-XX:YY, where XX:YY reflects the GMT offset (+ or -).


The specification of the absolute end time of the data request. Required for time-series data. Omitted for typical year data.

Possible values: A string value such as 2011-11-12T00:00:00-08:00.

Follows date:time plus GMT offset convention out of ISO_8601, for example: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-XX:YY, where XX:YY reflects the GMT offset (+ or -).


The specification of the desired spatial resolution of the irradiance-specific OutputFields and SummaryOutputFields. Visit our support center to learn more about SolarAnyhwere data resolutions.

Possible values: A decimal value such as 0.1.

Currently supported values:

  • 0.1 – Corresponds to an irradiance data resolution of approximately 10-kilometers (Standard Resolution).
  • 0.01 – Corresponds to an irradiance data resolution of approximately 1-kilometer (Enhanced Resolution).
  • *0.005 – Corresponds to an irradiance data resolution of approximately 500-meters (High Resolution).

*High resolution (5 minute, 500 m) historical data is available on demand for the Continental U.S. region (latitudes 15 to 50, longitudes -125 to -62) from 1/1/2020 and is updated monthly. The spatial resolution of 5 meters may only be requested with historical time-series weather data sources and with the temporal resolution of 5 minutes.


The specification of the desired time resolution of the OutputFieldsSummaryOutputFields will be computed at monthly, annual and complete time range of request intervals. Visit our support center to learn more about SolarAnyhwere data resolutions.

Possible values: An integer of value such as 60.

Values currently supported for historical and real-time periods:

  • 60 – hourly averaging from 30-minute native resolution (Standard and Enhanced Resolution).
  • 30 – half-hourly native resolution of satellite imagery (Enhanced Resolution).
  • 15 – 15-minute interpolation or extrapolation from 30-minute native resolution (Enhanced Resolution).
  • *5 – 5-minute native resolution of satellite imagery (High Resolution Data).

*High resolution (5 minute, 500 meter) historical data is available on demand for the Continental U.S. region (latitudes 15 to 50, longitudes -125 to -62) from 1/1/2020 and is updated monthly. The temporal resolution of 5 minutes may only be requested for historical data periods and with the spatial resolution of 500 meters.

Values currently supported for forecast periods:

  • 60 – hourly averaged from 30-minute forecast (Basic or Standard Forecast).
  • 30 – 30-minutecloud motion model + numerical weather prediction model blend based on 30-minute native satellite image resolution (Standard Forecast). Can only be requested with 1 kilometer spatial resolution.
  • 15 – 15-minute interpolation or extrapolation from 30-minute forecast (Standard Forecast). Can only be requested with 1 kilometer spatial resolution.
  • *10 – 10-minute averaged from 1-minute resolution (Advanced Forecast). Can only be requested with 1 kilometer spatial resolution.
  • *5 – 5-minute averaged from 1-minute resolution (Advanced Forecast). Can only be requested with 1 kilometer spatial resolution.
  • *1 – 1-minute cloud motion vector forecast (Advanced Forecast). Can only be requested with 1 kilometer spatial resolution.

*Advanced (1, 5 or 10 minute(s), 1 kilometer) forecast data is available on demand for the Continental U.S. region (latitudes 15 to 50, longitudes -125 to -62).


The specification of whether or not to apply True Dynamics to requests for high resolution (5 minute, 500 m resolution) historical data.*  Visit our support center to learn more about SolarAnyhwere high resolution data with True Dynamics.

Possible values: A Boolean value such as true or false.

Currently supported values:

  • true – Apply True Dynamics.
  • false – Do not apply True Dynamics

*True Dynamics can only be applied to requests for high resolution (5 minute, 500 m resolution) historical data.


The specification of desired output data fields in the WeatherDataResult response. Availability subject to license access.

Possible values: A string value containing one or more values from the list below, such as GlobalHorizontalIrradiance_WattsPerMeterSquared, separated by a comma.

Currently supported values:

  • StartTime – start time of WeatherDataPeriod.
  • EndTime – end time of WeatherDataPeriod.
  • ObservationTime – observation time of the satellite image used in the irradiance-specific output fields.
  • ForecastLeadTime_Minutes – the number of minutes between the start time of the forecast and the time the forecast was generated.
  • GlobalHorizontalIrradiance_WattsPerMeterSquared – the average total irradiance covering a plane horizontal to the surface of the earth over the period of measure specified by TimeResolution_Minutes. Units of W/m2.
  • DirectNormalIrradiance_WattsPerMeterSquared – the average irradiance incident on a surface normal (perpendicular) to the sun over the period of measure specified by TimeResolution_Minutes. Units of W/m2.
  • DiffuseHorizontalIrradiance_WattsPerMeterSquared – the average scattered irradiance covering a plane horizontal to the surface of the earth over the period of measure specified by TimeResolution_Minutes. Units of W/m2.
  • IrradianceObservationType – data tags that specify the model used in calculations, beyond version number. Visit our support center to learn more.
  • AmbientTemperature_DegreesC – the average ambient temperature at 2-meters above the surface over the period of measure specified by TimeResolution_Minutes. Units of degrees Celsius.
  • AmbientTemperatureObservationType – data tags that specify the model used in calculations, beyond version number. Visit our support center to learn more.
  • WindSpeed_MetersPerSecond – the average wind speed at 10-meters above the surface over the period of measure specified by TimeResolution_Minutes. Units of meters per second.
  • WindSpeedObservationType – data tags that specify the model used in calculations, beyond version number. Visit our support center to learn more.
  • DataVersion – the WeatherDataSource that you requested. Useful if specifying a WeatherDataSource that includes “Latest” (i.e. SolarAnywhereLatest, SolarAnywhereTGYLatest, etc.).
  • ClearSkyDNI_WattsPerMeterSquared – the average total irradiance covering a surface normal to the sun, assuming clear sky conditions, over the period of measure specified by TimeResolution_Minutes. Units of W/m2.
  • ClearSkyGHI_WattsPerMeterSquared – the average total irradiance covering a plane horizontal to the surface of the earth, assuming clear sky conditions, over the period of measure specified by TimeResolution_Minutes. Units of W/m2.
  • RelativeHumidity_Percent – the measurement of moisture content of the air as a ratio of the partial pressure of water to the vapor pressure at ambient temperature. Percentage.
  • SnowDepth_Meters – the measurement of the height of solid precipitation accumulated on the ground. Only available when requesting the time series or average year weather data sources. Daily totals are down-sampled to the temporal resolution specified by the client. Units of meters.
  • LiquidPrecipitation_KilogramsPerMeterSquared – a measurement of volume of liquid, primarily water, that condenses out of the atmosphere. Only available when requesting the time series or average year weather data sources. Units of kg/m2.
  • SolidPrecipitation_KilogramsPerMeterSquared – a measurement of volume of solid, primarily water, that condenses out of the atmosphere. Only available when requesting the time series or average year weather data sources. Units of kg/m2.
  • SolarZenithAngle_Degrees – the angle between a line that is normal to a horizontal surface on the earth and a line drawn directly to the same horizontal surface from the sun. Units of degrees.
  • SolarAzimuthAngle_Degrees – the direction from which sunlight is reaching a horizontal surface on the earth where north equals 0°, east equals 90°, south equals 180° and west equals 270°. Units of degrees.
  • *Albedo_Unitless – a measurement of the fraction of the GHI that is reflected off the ground. Only available in requests for SolarAnywhere versions 3.5 and later. Unitless.
  • *ParticulateMatter2.5_MicrogramsPerMeterCubed – a measurement of the amount of particles in the air with diameters less than or equal to 2.5 micrometers. Only available in requests for SolarAnywhere versions 3.5 and later for historical data periods (historical time series, typical year, average year, and probability of exceedance data requests). Units of kg/m3.
  • *ParticulateMatter10_MicrogramsPerMeterCubed – a measurement of the amount of particles in the air with diameters less than or equal to 10 micrometers. Only available in requests for SolarAnywhere versions 3.5 and later for historical data periods (historical time series, typical year, average year, and probability of exceedance data requests). Units of kg/m3.

* Not available for forecasted time periods.

For more information, see Terms & Concepts or visit the SolarAnywhere support center to learn more about the native spatial and temporal resolutions for each of these output fields.


The specification of the desired summed insolation fields. Summaries returned in partial or complete monthly, annual and full period of requested insolation.

Possible values: A string of value such as TotalGlobalHortizontalIrradiance.

Currently supported values:

  • TotalGlobalHorizontalIrradiance – total insolation (summed to calendar month and year) on a plane horizontal to the surface of the earth over the period of measure specified by the request StartTime and EndTime. Units of Wh/m2.
  • TotalDirectNormalIrradiance – total insolation (summed to calendar month and year) on a plane normal to the sun over the period of measure specified by the request StartTime and EndTime. Units of Wh/m2.
  • TotalLiquidPrecipitation – total liquid precipitation (summed to calendar month and year) over the period of measure specified by the request StartTime and EndTime. Data is only available when requesting the time series or average year weather data sources. Units of kg/m2.
  • TotalSolidPrecipitation – total solid precipitation (summed to calendar month and year)over the period of measure specified by the request StartTime and EndTime. Data is only available when requesting the time series or average year weather data sources. Units of kg/m2.
  • AverageSnowDepth – Mean height of solid precipitation (averaged to calendar month and year) accumulated on the ground over the period of measure specified by the request StartTime and EndTime. Data is only available when requesting the time series or average year weather data sources.. Units of meters.
  • AverageWindSpeed – Mean wind speed (averaged to calendar month and year) at 10-meters above the surface, over the period of measure specified by the request StartTime and EndTime. Units of meters per second.
  • *AverageAlbedo – Mean measurement (averaged to calendar month and year) of the fraction of GHI that is reflected off the ground over the period of measure specified by the request StartTime and EndTime. Only available in requests for SolarAnywhere version 3.5 and later. Unitless.
  • *AveragePm2.5 – Mean amount of particulate matter in the air (averaged to calendar month and year) with a diameter less than or equal to 2.5 micrometers, over the period of measure specified by the request StartTime and EndTime. Only available in requests for SolarAnywhere versions 3.5 and later for historical data periods (historical time series, typical year, average year, and probability of exceedance data requests). Units of μg/m3.
  • *AveragePm10 –Mean amount of particulate matter in the air (averaged to calendar month and year) with a diameter less than or equal to 10 micrometers, over the period of measure specified by the request StartTime and EndTime. Only available in requests for SolarAnywhere versions 3.5 and later for historical data periods (historical time series, typical year, average year, and probability of exceedance data requests). Units of μg/m3.

* Not available for forecasted time periods.


The specification for handling historic periods with missing solar model inputs. Missing inputs occur on rare occasions, typically when the satellite images used to predict irradiance are not available. For observations missing four consecutive hours of satellite imagery or less on either side of the timestamp, data are interpolated or extrapolated automatically. Preferences for MissingDataHandling can be specified for observations missing more than four consecutive hours of imagery on either side. To see how the missing data periods were handled include IrradianceObservationType as an OutputField and reference the file formats page on the SolarAnywhere website.

Possible values: A string of value such as FillAverage.

Currently supported values:

  • Omit – missing periods are left blank (default if option is not specified).
  • FillAverage – missing periods are filled with long-term averages. For example, if 2013-02-01T10:00:00-08:00 were a missing observation, the average value for 10:00:00-08:00 on February 1 from all populated years beginning in 1998 would be filled.


The user specification of the number of hours ahead of the reference time to be included when requesting the SolarAnywhereHindcast weather data source. A hindcast is a time series of simulated forecasts for historical periods. Hindcasts simulate the site-specific solar forecast that would have been available at the time for operational decision-making. Learn more about SolarAnywhere hindcasts in our support center.

Possible values: An integer value such as 24.

Currently supported values:1168


The user specification of the probability value to be used when requesting one of the SolarAnywherePOE weather data sources. The POE weather data sources will return 8760 hourly values composed of actual months of data from the full available time series. To select the actual months of data that will be returned, the first step is to generate a probability distribution based on the full available time series using the partial year method. The second step is to determine the combination of the months of data with the summed GHI closest to the total GHI value from the probability distribution at the level specified by the user.

Possible values: An integer value such as 90.

Currently supported values: 1- 99.