
Contains specific data response attributes for each period of measure, as specified in Options of the CreateWeatherDataRequest. The time resolution of the <WeatherDataPeriod> corresponds to the TimeResolution_Minutes attribute.

The output data fields requested in the CreateWeatherDataRequest. Availability subject to license access.

Possible values: A string of GlobalHorizontalIrradiance_WattsPerMeterSquared.

Currently supported values:

  • StartTime – start time of WeatherDataPeriod.
  • EndTime – end time of WeatherDataPeriod.
  • ObservationTime – observation time of the satellite image used in the irradiance-specific output fields.
  • ForecastLeadTime_Minutes – the number of minutes between the start time of the forecast and the time the forecast was generated.
  • GlobalHorizontalIrradiance_WattsPerMeterSquared – the average total irradiance covering a plane horizontal to the surface of the earth over the period of measure specified by TimeResolution_Minutes. Units of W/m2.
  • DirectNormalIrradiance_WattsPerMeterSquared – the average irradiance incident on a surface normal (perpendicular) to the sun over the period of measure specified by TimeResolution_Minutes. Units of W/m2.
  • DiffuseHorizontalIrradiance_WattsPerMeterSquared – the average scattered irradiance covering a plane horizontal to the surface of the earth over the period of measure specified by TimeResolution_Minutes. Units of W/m2.
  • IrradianceObservationType – data tags that specify the model used in calculations, beyond version number. For more information, see file formats.
  • AmbientTemperature_DegreesC – the average ambient temperature at 2-meters above the surface over the period of measure specified by TimeResolution_Minutes. Units of degrees Celsius.
  • AmbientTemperatureObservationType – data tags that specify the model used in calculations, beyond version number. For more information, see file formats.
  • WindSpeed_MetersPerSecond – the average wind speed at 10-meters above the surface over the period of measure specified by TimeResolution_Minutes. Units of meters per second.
  • WindSpeedObservationType – data tags that specify the model used in calculations, beyond version number. For more information, see file formats.
  • ClearSkyDNI_WattsPerMeterSquared – the average total irradiance covering a surface normal to the sun, assuming clear sky conditions, over the period of measure specified by TimeResolution_Minutes. Units of W/m2.
  • ClearSkyGHI_WattsPerMeterSquared – the average total irradiance covering a plane horizontal to the surface of the earth, assuming clear sky conditions, over the period of measure specified by TimeResolution_Minutes. Units of W/m2.
  • RelativeHumidity_Percent – the measurement of moisture content of the air as a ratio of the partial pressure of water to the vapor pressure at ambient temperature. Percentage.
  • *SnowDepth_Meters – the measurement of the height of solid precipitation accumulated on the ground. Only available when requesting the time series or average year weather data sources. Daily totals are down-sampled to the temporal resolution specified by the client. Units of meters.
  • *LiquidPrecipitation_KilogramsPerMeterSquared – a measurement of volume of liquid, primarily water, that condenses out of the atmosphere. Only available when requesting the time series or average year weather data sources. Units of kg/m2.
  • *SolidPrecipitation_KilogramsPerMeterSquared – a measurement of volume of solid, primarily water, that condenses out of the atmosphere. Only available when requesting the time series or average year weather data sources. Units of kg/m2.
  • SolarZenithAngle_Degrees – the angle between a line that is normal to a horizontal surface on the earth and a line drawn directly to the same horizontal surface from the sun. Units of degrees.
  • SolarAzimuthAngle_Degrees – the direction from which sunlight is reaching a horizontal surface on the earth where north equals 0°, east equals 90°, south equals 180° and west equals 270°. Units of degrees.
  • *Albedo_Unitless – a measurement of the fraction of the GHI that is reflected off the ground. Only available in requests for SolarAnywhere versions 3.5 and later. Unitless.
  • *ParticulateMatter2.5_MicrogramsPerMeterCubed – a measurement of the amount of particles in the air with diameters less than or equal to 2.5 micrometers. Only available in requests for SolarAnywhere versions 3.5 and later for historical data periods (historical time series, typical year, average year, and probability of exceedance data requests). Units of kg/m3.
  • *ParticulateMatter10_MicrogramsPerMeterCubed – a measurement of the amount of particles in the air with diameters less than or equal to 10 micrometers. Only available in requests for SolarAnywhere versions 3.5 and later for historical data periods (historical time series, typical year, average year, and probability of exceedance data requests). Units of kg/m3.

* Not available for forecasted time periods.
For more information, see Terms & Concepts.