Application & Process Automation
- Getting Started
- Common Usage Scenarios
- Troubleshooting
- Using Custom IDs
- API Method Reference
- GetPrograms
- GetForms
- GetFormSchema
- GetProjects
- GetProjectsByNumber
- GetProjectsByData
- CreateNewProject
- GetAllProjectData - Admin only
- GetProjectData
- SetProjectData
- GetActiveAttachment
- GetAttachmentAsAdmin – Admin only
- SetProjectAttachment
- SetAttachmentMetadata
- GetAttachmentMetadata
- SubmitProject
- GetStatusList – Admin only
- GetCustomListChoices
- GetProjectStatusHistory – Admin only
- SetProjectStatus – Admin only
- GetExportProject – Admin only
- CreateMfaSessionToken
- DeleteMfaSessionToken
- SetAssignee
- SetProjectOwner
- GetInquiryThreads – Admin Only
- GetNotesInInquiryThread – Admin Only
- SetInquiryNote – Admin Only
- SetInquiryThreadStatus – Admin Only
- SetInquiryThreadExternalId – Admin Only
- SetProjectStatusReportAs – Admin only
- Code Samples
Required inputs: ProgramId, ProjectId, FormId
Please note: Using SetProjectData with a PowerClerk account that does not have administrative privileges enabled, will create a draft version of the respective data field values targeted via API and requires the use of SubmitProject to submit the underlying Form and commit these draft values.
<ProjectDataRequest xmlns="">
<Project ProjectId="D4GJR65" FormId="47LEZF8">
<DataField DataFieldId="NY9MS9D3" Name="Application Date" Value="2014-10-28"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="4QG2ZD7V" Name="Possible meter access issues" Value="Locked gate"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="FG95YH30" Name="PV System Inverter Manufacturer" Value="GreenVolts" Instance="0"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="FG95YH30" Name="PV System Inverter Manufacturer" Value="Aero-Sharp" Instance="1"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="PX49AU23" Name="PV System Inverter Model" Value="GV-SCP001" Instance="0"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="PX49AU23" Name="PV System Inverter Model" Value="X01-040L2E1" Instance="1"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="ZU044VZ8" Name="PV System Inverter Quantity" Value="1" Instance="0"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="ZU044VZ8" Name="PV System Inverter Quantity" Value="3" Instance="1"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="BW480G7P" Name="PV System PV Module Assigned Inverter" Value="0" Instance="0"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="BW480G7P" Name="PV System PV Module Assigned Inverter" Value="1" Instance="1"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="BW480G7P" Name="PV System PV Module Assigned Inverter" Value="1" Instance="2"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="JN5GZ009" Name="PV System PV Module Azimuth" Value="0" Instance="0"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="JN5GZ009" Name="PV System PV Module Azimuth" Value="180" Instance="1"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="JN5GZ009" Name="PV System PV Module Azimuth" Value="180" Instance="2"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="GR51SN56" Name="PV System PV Module Manufacturer" Value="AblyTek" Instance="0"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="GR51SN56" Name="PV System PV Module Manufacturer" Value="Global Sun" Instance="1"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="GR51SN56" Name="PV System PV Module Manufacturer" Value="Lumeta" Instance="2"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="22FU5824" Name="PV System PV Module Model" Value="5MN6C175-A0" Instance="0"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="22FU5824" Name="PV System PV Module Model" Value="P-225GS" Instance="1"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="22FU5824" Name="PV System PV Module Model" Value="LEF028B" Instance="2"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="26JN87YE" Name="PV System PV Module Monthly Shading" Value="90,90,90,90,10,10,90,10,90,90,80,10" Instance="0"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="26JN87YE" Name="PV System PV Module Monthly Shading" Value="98,10,10,98,10,10,10,99,10,99,100,100" Instance="1"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="26JN87YE" Name="PV System PV Module Monthly Shading" Value="100,99,97,99,99,99,99,97,10,100,10,100" Instance="2"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="ZU044VZ8" Name="PV System PV Module Quantity" Value="21" Instance="0"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="ZU044VZ8" Name="PV System PV Module Quantity" Value="15" Instance="1"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="ZU044VZ8" Name="PV System PV Module Quantity" Value="27" Instance="2"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="MK2HP7S8" Name="PV System PV Module Tilt" Value="0" Instance="0"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="MK2HP7S8" Name="PV System PV Module Tilt" Value="0" Instance="1"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="MK2HP7S8" Name="PV System PV Module Tilt" Value="0" Instance="2"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="QV7HB9FD" Name="PV System PV Module Tracking" Value="Fixed" Instance="0"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="QV7HB9FD" Name="PV System PV Module Tracking" Value="Fixed" Instance="1"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="QV7HB9FD" Name="PV System PV Module Tracking" Value="Fixed" Instance="2"/>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="">
<xs:element name="ProjectDataRequest">
<xs:element name="Project">
<xs:element name="DataFields">
<xs:element name="DataField" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:extension base="xs:string">
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="DataFieldId" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="Name" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="Value" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute type="xs:byte" name="Instance" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="ProjectId" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="FormId" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute type="xs:float" name="SchemaVersion"/>
Request XML Attributes
<DataField> Attributes
– Required. Unique identifier for the data field – can either be the automatically generated DataFieldId, or the admin-set custom ID.
– Optional. The name of the data field.
– Required. The value to set for the data field.
– Required for multi-instance data fields. The instance id of the data field.
<Project ProjectId="HM7RC1XF5U" ProgramId="1HF29X4P" CanSubmit="false">
<Url Value=""/>
<CurrentStatus StatusId="3X8KK600" Name="Unsubmitted" Timestamp="2014-10-06T21:21:20-07:00"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="NY9MS9D3" Name="Application Date" Value="2014-10-28"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="9KE8MJ45" Name="Account Number" Value=""/>
<DataField DataFieldId="VH7SU5AX" Name="Meter Number" Value=""/>
<DataField DataFieldId="4QG2ZD7V" Name="Possible meter access issues" Value="Locked gate"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="P4QG1P7H" Name="Applicant City" Value="Kirkland"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="CZ9B0KG1" Name="Applicant Company" Value=""/>
<DataField DataFieldId="MC7E3AR0" Name="Applicant Email" Value=""/>
<DataField DataFieldId="73XH0BK1" Name="Applicant First" Value="John"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="HF1H4FR6" Name="Applicant Last" Value="Smith"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="AZ988PB5" Name="Applicant Line 1" Value="123 Solar Way"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="MV51QW29" Name="Applicant Line 2" Value="Apt 7"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="86DP8K63" Name="Applicant Phone" Value=""/>
<DataField DataFieldId="YJ2Z4C38" Name="Applicant State" Value="WA"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="M3BK799M" Name="Applicant Zip Code" Value="98033"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="3WE8N4DR" Name="Contractor act customer behalf" Value=""/>
<DataField DataFieldId="ND0AR5HV" Name="PV System CEC Rating" Value="11.327"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="8G7ES4PP" Name="PV System Design Factor" Value="31.4"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="J1J6QV0Y" Name="PV System Estimated Production" Value="6186"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="FG95YH30" Name="PV System Inverter Manufacturer" Value="GreenVolts" Instance="0"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="FG95YH30" Name="PV System Inverter Manufacturer" Value="Aero-Sharp" Instance="1"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="PX49AU23" Name="PV System Inverter Model" Value="GV-SCP001" Instance="0"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="PX49AU23" Name="PV System Inverter Model" Value="X01-040L2E1" Instance="1"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="X4JC121E" Name="PV System Inverter Quantity" Value="1" Instance="0"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="X4JC121E" Name="PV System Inverter Quantity" Value="3" Instance="1"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="MK66BF6W" Name="PV System Nameplate Rating" Value="13.736"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="BW480G7P" Name="PV System PV Module Assigned Inverter" Value="0" Instance="0"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="BW480G7P" Name="PV System PV Module Assigned Inverter" Value="1" Instance="1"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="BW480G7P" Name="PV System PV Module Assigned Inverter" Value="1" Instance="2"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="JN5GZ009" Name="PV System PV Module Azimuth" Value="0" Instance="0"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="JN5GZ009" Name="PV System PV Module Azimuth" Value="180" Instance="1"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="JN5GZ009" Name="PV System PV Module Azimuth" Value="180" Instance="2"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="GR51SN56" Name="PV System PV Module Manufacturer" Value="AblyTek" Instance="0"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="GR51SN56" Name="PV System PV Module Manufacturer" Value="Global Sun" Instance="1"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="GR51SN56" Name="PV System PV Module Manufacturer" Value="Lumeta" Instance="2"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="22FU5824" Name="PV System PV Module Model" Value="5MN6C175-A0" Instance="0"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="22FU5824" Name="PV System PV Module Model" Value="P-225GS" Instance="1"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="22FU5824" Name="PV System PV Module Model" Value="LEF028B" Instance="2"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="26JN87YE" Name="PV System PV Module Monthly Shading" Value="90,90,90,90,10,10,90,10,90,90,80,10" Instance="0"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="26JN87YE" Name="PV System PV Module Monthly Shading" Value="98,10,10,98,10,10,10,99,10,99,100,100" Instance="1"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="26JN87YE" Name="PV System PV Module Monthly Shading" Value="100,99,97,99,99,99,99,97,10,100,10,100" Instance="2"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="ZU044VZ8" Name="PV System PV Module Quantity" Value="21" Instance="0"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="ZU044VZ8" Name="PV System PV Module Quantity" Value="15" Instance="1"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="ZU044VZ8" Name="PV System PV Module Quantity" Value="27" Instance="2"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="MK2HP7S8" Name="PV System PV Module Tilt" Value="0" Instance="0"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="MK2HP7S8" Name="PV System PV Module Tilt" Value="0" Instance="1"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="MK2HP7S8" Name="PV System PV Module Tilt" Value="0" Instance="2"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="QV7HB9FD" Name="PV System PV Module Tracking" Value="Fixed" Instance="0"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="QV7HB9FD" Name="PV System PV Module Tracking" Value="Fixed" Instance="1"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="QV7HB9FD" Name="PV System PV Module Tracking" Value="Fixed" Instance="2"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="J1J6QV0Y" Name="PV System Estimated Production" Value="6186"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="MK66BF6W" Name="PV System Nameplate Rating" Value="13.736"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="ND0AR5HV" Name="PV System CEC Rating" Value="11.327"/>
<DataField DataFieldId="8G7ES4PP" Name="PV System Design Factor" Value="31.4"/>
<Attachment AttachmentId="3QX3VQ18" Name="Copy Of Utility Bill" FileName="bill.pdf"/>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="">
<xs:element name="ProjectDataSetResponse">
<xs:element name="Project">
<xs:element name="Url">
<xs:extension base="xs:string">
<xs:attribute type="xs:anyURI" name="Value" use="required"/>
<xs:element name="CurrentStatus">
<xs:extension base="xs:string">
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="StatusId"/>
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="CustomId" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="Name"/>
<xs:attribute type="xs:dateTime" name="Timestamp"/>
<xs:element name="DataFields">
<xs:element name="DataField" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:extension base="xs:string">
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="DataFieldId" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="CustomId" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="Name" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="Value" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute type="xs:byte" name="Instance" use="optional"/>
<xs:element name="CalculatedDataFields">
<xs:element name="DataField" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:extension base="xs:string">
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="DataFieldId" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="CustomId"/>
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="Name" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute type="xs:float" name="Value" use="required"/>
<xs:element name="Attachments">
<xs:element name="Attachment" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:extension base="xs:string">
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="AttachmentId" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="CustomId"/>
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="Name" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="FileName" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="ProjectId" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="ProgramId" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="ProjectNumber" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="CanSubmit" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute type="xs:float" name="SchemaVersion"/>
Response XML Attributes
<Project> Attributes
– Unique identifier for the project
– Unique identifier for the program
– Boolean. True if required data/attachment conditions have been satisfied and the form can be submitted.
– The project number. Projects are assigned a project number when they have been submitted.
<Url> Attributes
– The URL for this program’s project list
<CurrentStatus> Attributes
– Current status of the project
– Timestamp of when the project entered the current status. Converted to user’s local timezone.
<DataField> Attributes
– Data field name
– Current value of the data field
– Instance id of the data field (for multi-instance data fields only)
– List of data field values that have been automatically changed to reflect project data values submitted in the request payload. The <CalculatedDataFields> element only displays changes to calculated data field values; if no calculated data field values have been affected by the request payload, the element will be empty.
<Attachment> Attributes
– Unique identifier for the attachment
– Attachment name
– Attachment filename
// For a given project, sets the first name and last name fields in an application form.
// Returns the updated values in the application form as a list of
// <DataFieldId, DataFieldName, DataValue> tuples, one for each data field value in the project.
public List<Tuple<string, string, string>> SetApplicantName(string programId, string projectId, string formId, string firstNameFieldId, string lastNameFieldId, string firstName, string lastName, string username, string password, string apiKey)
// Create an XML request payload that assigns first name and last name values to the
// corresponding data fields
XNamespace ns = "";
XDocument xDocument = new XDocument(
new XElement(ns + "ProjectDataRequest",
new XElement(ns + "Project",
new XElement(ns + "DataFields",
new XElement(ns + "DataField",
new XAttribute("DataFieldId", firstNameFieldId),
new XAttribute("Value", firstName)),
new XElement(ns + "DataField",
new XAttribute("DataFieldId", lastNameFieldId),
new XAttribute("Value", lastName)),
new XAttribute("ProjectId", projectId),
new XAttribute("FormId", formId)))));
XmlDocument requestPayload = new XmlDocument();
using (XmlReader xmlReader = xDocument.CreateReader())
// Generate url and execute request with the XML payload we created earlier
string url = "/Programs/" + programId + "/Projects/" + projectId + "/Forms/" + formId + "/Data";
XDocument xmlResponse =
MakePostRequest(BaseUrl + url, username, password, apiKey, requestPayload);
List<XElement> dataElements = xmlResponse.Descendants(ns + "DataField").ToList();
List<Tuple<string, string, string>> projectData = new List<Tuple<string, string, string>>();
foreach (XElement dataElement in dataElements)
string fieldId = dataElement.Attribute("DataFieldId").Value;
string fieldName = dataElement.Attribute("Name").Value;
string value = dataElement.Attribute("Value").Value;
projectData.Add(new Tuple<string, string, string>(fieldId, fieldName, value));
return projectData;
function setProjectData(programId, projectId, formId, firstName, lastName, address1, address2, city, state, zip) {
var payload = {xmlPayload};
// Use $.ajax jQuery method to execute the API call
type: "POST",
processData: false,
data: payload,
url: "https://{BaseURL}/Programs/" + programId + "/Projects/" + projectId + "/Forms/" + formId + "/Data",
contentType: "text/xml",
dataType: "xml",
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + hashedCredentials);
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-ApiKey", apiKey);
success: function (xml) {
// Display data
error: function (xhr) {
//Display error

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