Application & Process Automation

Getting Started
Authentication & Access
Accounts with Multi-Factor Authentication
Using method GetPrograms
Common Usage Scenarios
Create and Submit a Project
Add/Change Data in an Existing Project
Daily Polling for Project Changes
Using Custom IDs
API Method Reference
URL Format
XML Attributes
Sample Code
URL Format
Forms Attributes
AvailableInStatuses and LeadsToStatus
Status Attributes
Sample Code
V1 Response
V2 Response
Sample Code
V1 Response
V2 Response
V3 Response
Sample Code
V1 Response
V2 Response
Sample Request
Sample Code
Sample Request
Request XML Nodes and Attributes
V1 Response
V2 Response
Sample Response
Response XML Attributes
Sample Code
GetAllProjectData - Admin only
Sample Response
XML Attributes
Sample Code
Sample Response
XML Attributes
Sample Code
Sample Request
Request XML Attributes
Sample Response
Response XML Attributes
Sample Code
URL Format
Sample Code
GetAttachmentAsAdmin – Admin only
URL Format
Identifying attachment file types
URL Format
Sample Response
Response XML Attributes
Sample Code
Sample Request
Request XML Attributes
Sample Response
Response XML Attributes
Sample Code
URL Format
Sample Response
Response XML Attributes
Sample Code
URL Format
Sample Response
Response XML Attributes
Sample Code
GetStatusList – Admin only
Sample Code
URL Format
Sample Response
Response XML Attributes
URL Format
Sample Response
Response XML Attributes
GetProjectStatusHistory – Admin only
URL Format
Sample Response
Response XML Attributes
Sample Code
SetProjectStatus – Admin only
URL Format
Sample Response
Response XML Attributes
Sample Code
GetExportProject – Admin only
Response XML Attributes
Sample Code
URL Format
Sample Response
URL Format
Sample Request
Request XML Attributes
Sample Response
Response XML Attributes
Sample Code
URL Format
Sample Response
Sample Code
URL Format
Sample Request
Request XML Attributes
Sample Response
Response XML Attributes
URL Format
Sample Request
Request XML Attributes
Sample Response
Response XML Attributes
GetInquiryThreads – Admin Only
GetNotesInInquiryThread – Admin Only
SetInquiryNote – Admin Only
SetInquiryThreadStatus – Admin Only
SetInquiryThreadExternalId – Admin Only
SetProjectStatusReportAs – Admin only
Code Samples


Retrieves the most recently submitted data for each data field and attachment definition in the given project, regardless of form. Data fields without any saved data are not included in the output, nor are attachment definitions with no uploaded attachments. Requires membership in an administrator role and read access to the project.
HTTP verb: GET
Required inputs: ProgramId, ProjectId
Optional inputs: reveal_sensitive_data

Path parameter Description
ProgramId The ID of the program of the project for which you want to get data
ProjectId The project for which you want to get all data

Query string parameters

Name Data Type Required/Optional Description
reveal_sensitive_data Boolean Optional If the requested project contains sensitive data, by default this request will only retrieve the obfuscated value. If you would like to retrieve the plaintext value, you can supply this query parameter with a value of “true.” In addition, the account making the request must have MFA enabled and must have the appropriate privilege to view sensitive data in this program, or the whole request will fail.

URL Format

Format: https://{BaseURL}/Programs/{ProgramId}/Projects/{ProjectId}/Data?reveal_sensitive_data={reveal_sensitive_data}

Sample Response

Notice that data fields without submitted values are omitted from the response below. For example, this sample project doesn’t contain a submitted value for the data field “Applicant Line 2”, so that data field does not appear in the response.
This sample response illustrates that GetAllProjectData is form-independent and returns data values from every stage of the project. The beginning of the response contains data values from an application form (applicant address, PV system specs), while the end contains values submitted through admin or inspector forms (employee id, inspection results).

    <Project ProjectId="D4GJR65" ProgramId="1HF29X4P" ProjectNumber="TEST-00327">
        <Url Value=""/>
        <CurrentStatus StatusId="3X8KK600" Name="Application Review" Timestamp="2014-10-23T08:07:26-07:00"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="NY9MS9D3" Name="Application Date" Value="9/3/2014"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="9KE8MJ45" Name="Account Number" Value="123456789"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="VH7SU5AX" Name="Meter Number" Value="3434343"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="4QG2ZD7V" Name="Possible meter access issues" Value="None"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="P4QG1P7H" Name="Applicant City" Value="Kirkland"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="CZ9B0KG1" Name="Applicant Company" Value=""/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="MC7E3AR0" Name="Applicant Email" Value=""/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="73XH0BK1" Name="Applicant First" Value="Bob"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="HF1H4FR6" Name="Applicant Last" Value="Solar"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="AZ988PB5" Name="Applicant Line 1" Value="123 Main St."/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="86DP8K63" Name="Applicant Phone" Value="425-555-5555"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="YJ2Z4C38" Name="Applicant State" Value="WA"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="M3BK799M" Name="Applicant Zip Code" Value="98033"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="3WE8N4DR" Name="Contractor act customer behalf" Value="True"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="ND0AR5HV" Name="PV System CEC Rating" Value="25.055"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="8G7ES4PP" Name="PV System Design Factor" Value="90.8"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="J1J6QV0Y" Name="PV System Estimated Production" Value="2463"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="FG95YH30" Name="PV System Inverter Manufacturer" Value="GreenVolts" Instance="0"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="PX49AU23" Name="PV System Inverter Model" Value="GV-SCP001" Instance="0"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="PX49AU23" Name="PV System Inverter Model" Value="X01-040L2E1" Instance="1"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="X4JC121E" Name="PV System Inverter Quantity" Value="1" Instance="0"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="MK66BF6W" Name="PV System Nameplate Rating" Value="29.52"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="BW480G7P" Name="PV System PV Module Assigned Inverter" Value="0" Instance="0"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="BW480G7P" Name="PV System PV Module Assigned Inverter" Value="0" Instance="1"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="JN5GZ009" Name="PV System PV Module Azimuth" Value="0" Instance="0"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="JN5GZ009" Name="PV System PV Module Azimuth" Value="180" Instance="1"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="GR51SN56" Name="PV System PV Module Manufacturer" Value="AblyTek" Instance="0"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="GR51SN56" Name="PV System PV Module Manufacturer" Value="Global Sun" Instance="1"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="22FU5824" Name="PV System PV Module Model" Value="5MN6C175-A0" Instance="0"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="22FU5824" Name="PV System PV Module Model" Value="P-225GS" Instance="1"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="26JN87YE" Name="PV System PV Module Monthly Shading" Value="100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100" Instance="0"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="26JN87YE" Name="PV System PV Module Monthly Shading" Value="98,100,100,98,100,100,100,99,100,99,100,100" Instance="1"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="ZU044VZ8" Name="PV System PV Module Quantity" Value="21" Instance="0"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="ZU044VZ8" Name="PV System PV Module Quantity" Value="15" Instance="1"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="MK2HP7S8" Name="PV System PV Module Tilt" Value="0" Instance="0"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="MK2HP7S8" Name="PV System PV Module Tilt" Value="0" Instance="1"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="QV7HB9FD" Name="PV System PV Module Tracking" Value="Fixed" Instance="0"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="QV7HB9FD" Name="PV System PV Module Tracking" Value="Fixed" Instance="1"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="TH9HA8AS" Name="Verified By (Employee Id)" Value="123"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="8J075BN4" Name="Date Work Assigned" Value="8/12/2015"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="7GJ02J7T" Name="Date of Inspection" Value="8/25/2015"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="M3GC0E0S" Name="Utility Standards and Pre-Approved Exceptions Met" Value="Yes"/>
            <DataField DataFieldId="GE9D39U8" Name="All Equipment Properly Tagged" Value="Yes"/>
            <Attachment AttachmentId="3QX3VQ18" Name="Copy Of Utility Bill" FileName="utility_bill.pdf"/>
            <Attachment AttachmentId="VC7V1MR3" Name="Net Metering Agreement" FileName="Agreement.docx"/>
            <Attachment AttachmentId="N3H9TE8Q" Name="Signed Off Building Permit" FileName="permit.pdf"/>

<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="">
  <xs:element name="ProjectDataGetResponse">
        <xs:element name="Project">
              <xs:element name="Url">
                    <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                      <xs:attribute type="xs:anyURI" name="Value"/>
              <xs:element name="CurrentStatus">
                    <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                      <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="StatusId"/>
                      <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="CustomId" use="optional"/>
                      <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="Name"/>
                      <xs:attribute type="xs:dateTime" name="Timestamp"/>
              <xs:element name="DataFields">
                    <xs:element name="DataField" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
                          <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                            <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="DataFieldId" use="required"/>
                            <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="CustomId" use="optional"/>
                            <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="Name" use="required"/>
                            <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="Value" use="required"/>
                            <xs:attribute type="xs:byte" name="Instance" use="optional"/>
              <xs:element name="Attachments">
                    <xs:element name="Attachment" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
                          <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                            <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="AttachmentId" use="required"/>
                            <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="CustomId" use="optional"/>
                            <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="Name" use="required"/>
                            <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="FileName" use="required"/>
            <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="ProjectId" use="required"/>
            <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="ProgramId" use="required"/>
            <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="ProjectNumber" use="optional"/>
      <xs:attribute type="xs:float" name="SchemaVersion"/>

Response XML Attributes

<Project> Attributes

ProjectId – Unique identifier for the project
ProgramId – Unique identifier for the program
ProjectNumber – The project number. Projects are assigned a project number when they have been submitted.

<Url> Attributes

Value – The URL for this program’s project list

<CurrentStatus> Attributes

StatusId – Unique identifier for the status
CustomId – Optional, admin-set unique identifier for the status
Name – Current status of the project
Timestamp – Timestamp of when the project entered the current status. Converted to user’s local timezone.

<DataField> Attributes

DataFieldId – Unique identifier for the data field
CustomId – Optional, admin-set unique identifier for the data field
Name – Data field name
Value – Current value of the data field
Instance – Instance id of the data field (for multi-instance data fields only)

<Attachment> Attributes

AttachmentId – Unique identifier for the attachment
CustomId – Optional, admin-set unique identifier for the attachment
Name – Attachment name
FileName – Attachment filename

Sample Code

// Retrieves all data field values for the given project.
// Returns a list of <DataFieldId, DataFieldName, DataValue> tuples, one for each data field value
// in the project.

public List<Tuple<string, string, string>> GetAllProjectData(string programId, string projectId, string username, string password, string apiKey)
    string url = "/Programs/" + programId + "/Projects/" + projectId + "/Data";
    XDocument xmlResponse = MakeGetRequest(BaseUrl + url, username, password, apiKey);

    XNamespace ns = "";
    List<XElement> dataElements = xmlResponse.Descendants(ns + "DataField").ToList();

    List<Tuple<string, string, string>> projectData = new List<Tuple<string, string, string>>();
    foreach (XElement dataElement in dataElements)
        string fieldId = dataElement.Attribute("DataFieldId").Value;
        string fieldName = dataElement.Attribute("Name").Value;
        string value = dataElement.Attribute("Value").Value;
        projectData.Add(new Tuple<string, string, string>(fieldId, fieldName, value));
    return projectData;

function getAllProjectData(programId, projectId) {
    // Use $.ajax jQuery method to execute the API call
        type: "GET",
        url: "https://{BaseURL}/Programs/" + programId + "/Projects/" + projectId + "/Data",
        dataType: "xml",
        beforeSend: function (xhr) {
            xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + hashedCredentials);
            xhr.setRequestHeader("X-ApiKey", apiKey);
        success: function (xml) {
            // Display data
        error: function (xhr) {
            // Display error
See Chapter Code Samples for MakeGetRequest sample code.

What’s Next?