Application & Process Automation
- Getting Started
- Common Usage Scenarios
- Troubleshooting
- Using Custom IDs
- API Method Reference
- GetPrograms
- GetForms
- GetFormSchema
- GetProjects
- GetProjectsByNumber
- GetProjectsByData
- CreateNewProject
- GetAllProjectData - Admin only
- GetProjectData
- SetProjectData
- GetActiveAttachment
- GetAttachmentAsAdmin – Admin only
- SetProjectAttachment
- SetAttachmentMetadata
- GetAttachmentMetadata
- SubmitProject
- GetStatusList – Admin only
- GetCustomListChoices
- GetProjectStatusHistory – Admin only
- SetProjectStatus – Admin only
- GetExportProject – Admin only
- CreateMfaSessionToken
- DeleteMfaSessionToken
- SetAssignee
- SetProjectOwner
- GetInquiryThreads – Admin Only
- GetNotesInInquiryThread – Admin Only
- SetInquiryNote – Admin Only
- SetInquiryThreadStatus – Admin Only
- SetInquiryThreadExternalId – Admin Only
- SetProjectStatusReportAs – Admin only
- Code Samples
Upload metadata for an attachment for a given project. Requires admin write access to the project.
Required inputs: ProgramId, ProjectId, AttachmentId
AttachmentStatus options: Mapping of request AttachmentStatus to ApprovalStatus response in metadata.
Required inputs: ProgramId, ProjectId, AttachmentId
AttachmentStatus options: Mapping of request AttachmentStatus to ApprovalStatus response in metadata.
AttachmentStatus Request | ApprovalStatus Response |
Approve | Approved |
Reject | Rejected |
Unmark | Pending |
Save | {Do not change Attachment Approval Status} |
URL Format
Sample if the attachment has a custom ID of “MyAttachment”:
Sample if the attachment has a custom ID of “MyAttachment”:
Note: Request payloads must include the namespace “” (see below).
<SetAttachmentMetadata xmlns="" AttachmentStatus="Approve" Note="Document is in order">
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="">
<xs:element name="SetAttachmentMetadata">
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="AttachmentStatus" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="Note" use="optional">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value= "2048"/>
<AttachmentMetadataResponse xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<AttachmentMetadata AttachmentId="3QX3VQ18" AttachmentName="Copy Of Utility Bill" FileName="1test.pdf" FileSize="23485" ApprovalStatus="Approved" Note="Document is in order" UploadTimestamp="2017-03-23T09:46:25-07:00" UploadedById="XXXXXXXXXXXX" UploadedByEmailAddress="" />
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="">
<xs:element name="AttachmentMetadataResponse">
<xs:element name="AttachmentMetadata">
<xs:extension base="xs:string">
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="AttachmentId" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="CustomId" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="AttachmentName" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="FileName" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="FileSize" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="ApprovalStatus" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="Note" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="UploadTimestamp" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="UploadedByEmailAddress" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="UploadedById" use="required"/>
Response XML Attributes
– Unique identifier for the attachmentCustomId
– Optional, admin-determined unique identifier for the attachmentAttachmentName
– UAttachment NameFileName
– Attachment filenameFileSize
– FileSize of the document in bytesUploadTimestamp
– Timestamp of when the attachment was uploaded. Converted to user’s local timezone.UploadedByEmailAddress
– Email Address of the user who uploaded the document.UploadedById
– UserId of the user who uploaded the document.
Public XmlDocument SetAttachmentMetadata(string programId, string projectId, string username, string password, string apiKey, string attachmentId)
XDocument xDocument = new XDocument( new XElement(ns + "SetAttachmentMetadata", new XAttribute("AttachmentStatus", "Approve"), new XAttribute("Note", "Document is in order")));
XmlDocument requestPayload = new XmlDocument();
using (XmlReader xmlReader = xDocument.CreateReader())
string url = BaseUrl + "/Programs/" + programId + "/Projects/" + projectId + "/Attachments/" + attachmentId + "/Metadata";
XDocument xmlResponse = MakePostRequest(BaseUrl + url, username, password, apiKey, requestPayload);
return xmlResponse;
See Chapter Code Samples for MakePostRequest sample code.

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