Application & Process Automation
- Getting Started
- Common Usage Scenarios
- Troubleshooting
- Using Custom IDs
- API Method Reference
- GetPrograms
- GetForms
- GetFormSchema
- GetProjects
- GetProjectsByNumber
- GetProjectsByData
- CreateNewProject
- GetAllProjectData - Admin only
- GetProjectData
- SetProjectData
- GetActiveAttachment
- GetAttachmentAsAdmin – Admin only
- SetProjectAttachment
- SetAttachmentMetadata
- GetAttachmentMetadata
- SubmitProject
- GetStatusList – Admin only
- GetCustomListChoices
- GetProjectStatusHistory – Admin only
- SetProjectStatus – Admin only
- GetExportProject – Admin only
- CreateMfaSessionToken
- DeleteMfaSessionToken
- SetAssignee
- SetProjectOwner
- GetInquiryThreads – Admin Only
- GetNotesInInquiryThread – Admin Only
- SetInquiryNote – Admin Only
- SetInquiryThreadStatus – Admin Only
- SetInquiryThreadExternalId – Admin Only
- SetProjectStatusReportAs – Admin only
- Code Samples
SetInquiryNote – Admin Only
Adds a new Project Inquiries thread along with a starting note to the given project, or appends a new note to an existing Project Inquiries thread associated with the given project, depending on if a ThreadId is provided in the request. Requires admin write access to the project.
Required inputs: ProgramId, ProjectID
Required inputs: ProgramId, ProjectID
Path Parameters
Path Parameters | Description |
ProgramId | The ID of the program. |
ProjectID | The ID of the project to set the inquiry to. |
Note: Request payloads must include the namespace “” (see below).
<InquiryNoteRequest xmlns=””>
<InquiryThread Title="Example New Thread" Category="General">
<InquiryNote Author="Example User">
<NoteContent>Example New Note</NoteContent>
<InquiryNoteRequest xmlns=””>
<SetInquiryThread Title="Example New Thread" Category="General">
<SetInquiryNote Author="Example User">Example New Note</SetInquiryNote>
<InquiryNoteRequest xmlns=>
<InquiryThread ThreadId=”N58VKF4CSNRP”>
<InquiryNote Author="Example User">
<NoteContent>Example New Note</NoteContent>
<NotesInInquiryThreadResponse ProgramId="1HF29X4P" ProjectId="M4AN7RYRSYZE" ThreadId="5PATRFQ83TPB" xmlns= xmlns:xsd= xmlns:xsi=>
<InquiryNote NoteId="7UHK314CYGVE" Author="Example User" IsAdmin="True" SubmittedTimestamp="2023-03-30T11:47:38-07:00">
<NoteContent>Example New Note</NoteContent>

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