


A generic load profile for energy production. Usually this type of profile would be used to specify production for a solar system, but it could be used for any producing energy measure. Positive load values will be subtracted from the load values from energy profiles of Type “Consumption”. Hourly, 30 minute, or 15 minute interval data may be used. Annual or monthly data is not valid as it is for energy profiles of Type “Consumption”.

	"Type": "Production",
	"Name": "Solar System",
	"IntervalData": {
		"Interpolation": "Average",
		"Interval": "HalfHour",
		"IntervalConvention": "IntervalStart",
		"Data": [{
			"Time": "2014-11-09T00:00:00",
			"Energy_kWh": 0.19
			"Time": "2014-11-09T00:30:00",
			"Energy_kWh": 0.15
		<em>Edited for length</em>
			"Time": "2015-11-08T23:00:00",
			"Energy_kWh": 0.24
			"Time": "2015-11-08T23:30:00",
			"Energy_kWh": 0.26


A unique string to identify an energy profile.

Possible Values: A string such as “House” or “East Solar System”.

Default: When omitted, Name defaults to Type.


Contains load or bill data and meta data that defines the energy profile.
