


Contains energy use and bill information for each season within a billing period. Usually a billing period will only contain one season, but sometimes billing periods may span two different seasons.


The name of the season.

Possible Values: A string such as “Winter”.


The number of hours in a given season. This is useful for understanding the breakdown of hours between seasons when a billing period spans more than one season.

Possible Values: An integer value such as 744.


The minimum allowable charge for a bill. The minimum bill may be offset by net surplus compensation.

Possible Values: A decimal value such as 10.00.


Charges associated per billing period regardless of total energy use. Fixed charges are usually assessed on a $/billing-period or a $/ day-billed basis.

Possible Values: A decimal value such as 10.00.


Contains bill and energy details for time-of-use periods within a billing period. Rates without a time-of-use structure will not have TouPeriods.


Contains energy use details such as energy consumed, energy produced, and peak load. EnergyTotals is repeated throughout the response schema. When found at the billing period level under PeriodBills, EnergyTotals contains energy use details for that billing period. When found outside of PeriodBills, EnergyTotals contains energy use details with totals for all billing periods.


An array of charges associated with energy use for a given time period. EnergyCharges is repeated at various levels of the response schema. When found at the season level, EnergyCharges contains charges applicable to a particular season, such as block or tier charges. When found at the time of use level under TouPeriods, EnergyCharges contains charges applicable to a particular time of use block.


An array of credits associated with energy use for a given time period. EnergyCredits is repeated at various levels of the response schema. When found at the season level, EnergyCredits contains credits applicable to a particular season, such as block or tier charges. When found at the time of use level under TouPeriods, EnergyCredits contains credits applicable to a particular time of use block.


An array of charges associated with energy use for a given time period. DemandCharges is repeated at various levels of the response schema. When found at the season level, DemandCharges contains charges applicable to a particular season, such as block or tier charges. When found at the time of use level under TouPeriods, DemandCharges contains charges applicable to a particular time of use block.