


An array containing a detailed breakdown of bill totals and energy use details for each individual billing period.


A time stamp in ISO 8601 format indicating the start date and time for the billing period. If BillPeriods are specified in the request, PeriodStart for each billing period will match the StartDate specified for each billing period. If BillPeriods are not specified, PeriodStart will be the first date of the month for each billing period.

Possible Values: Any string conforming to ISO 8601 format, such as “2015-22-09T00:00:00”.


A time stamp in ISO 8601 format indicating the end date and time for the billing period. If BillPeriods are specified in the request, PeriodEnd for each billing period will match the StartDate specified for the subsequent billing period (billing periods are assumed to end on the start date of the following billing period. If BillPeriods are not specified, PeriodEnd will be the last date of the month for each billing period.

Possible Values: Any string conforming to ISO 8601 format, such as “2015-22-09T00:00:00”.


If BillPeriods is provided in the request, PeriodName will be equal to the Name given to each billing period to allow easy identification.

Possible Values: A string such as “1” or “Jan”.


Contains a breakdown of the bill line items that make up the total bill, such as fixed charges, energy charges, and demand charges. BillTotals is repeated throughout the response schema. When found at the billing period level under PeriodBills, BillTotals contains a bill breakdown for that billing period. BillTotals contains a bill breakdown with totals for all billing periods when found outside of PeriodBills.


Contains energy use details such as energy consumed, energy produced, and peak load. EnergyTotals is repeated throughout the response schema. When found at the billing period level under PeriodBills, EnergyTotals contains energy use details for that billing period. When found outside of PeriodBills, EnergyTotals contains energy use details with totals for all billing periods.


Contains a detailed accounting of utility bill credit received, credit used in the current billing period, and credit carried over to the subsequent billing period. This information is useful for examining the detailed accounting of utility bill credits that result from net metering or other means for utilities to credit customer generation.


An array containing a detailed breakdown of charges and energy use for each season within a billing period. Utilities will often differentiate rates based on season. For example, summer season prices may be in affect May through September and winter season prices in affect October through April. Most often a billing period will only be comprised of one season, but sometimes a billing period may span two seasons.