
Retrieves a list of projects associated with the given program that are read-accessible to the user.


GET /Programs/{ProgramId}/Projects

Path Parameters

Name Value Description
ProgramId string Unique identifier for the program.

Optional Query Parameters

Name Value Description
changed_since datetime If the optional changed_since parameter is included, the call retrieves only the projects that have been updated after the timestamp value of the parameter. Accepts the time formats yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.FFFFFFFzzz and yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:sszzz (see sample request and response for examples)
limit Integer If the optional parameter “limit” is included, the call will retrieve the first N projects, ordered by project creation timestamps. The current max value of “limit” is 1000 projects. …/Projects?limit=10 will return the first 10 projects
offset Integer If the optional parameter “offset” is included, the call will skip over the first N projects, ordered by project creation timestamps. …/Projects?limit=10&offset=0 will return projects 1…10…/Projects?limit=10&offset=10 will return projects 11…20

Request Body

Do not supply a request body with this method.


Response Body

    "Projects": [
            "ProjectId": string,
            "ProgramId": string,
            "ProjectNumber": null | string,
            "Url": string,
            "LastChangeTimestamp": datetime,
            "ProjectOwner": {
                "Name": string,
                "Email": string,
            "CurrentStatus": {
                "StatusId": string,
                "CustomId": null | string,
                "Name": string,
                "Timestamp": datetime,
    "RequestTimestamp": datetime
    "Projects": [
            "ProjectId": "D3M7N8P95QGM",
            "ProgramId": "R3XE87VP6NB6",
            "ProjectNumber": "EX-00011",
            "Url": "",
            "LastChangeTimestamp": "2022-11-01T12:52:11-07:00",
            "ProjectOwner": {
                "Name": "Example User",
                "Email": ""
            "CurrentStatus": {
                "StatusId": "TMJFE4VM7XCJ",
                "CustomId": null,
                "Name": "Submitted",
                "Timestamp": "2022-11-01T12:33:52-07:00"
    "RequestTimestamp": "2022-11-18T23:55:32.7229764+00:00"
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified">
  <xs:element name="ProgramListResponse">
        <xs:element name="Programs">
              <xs:element name="Program" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
                  <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="ProgramId" use="required"/>
                  <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="AgencyId" use="required"/>
                  <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="ProgramName" use="required"/>
                  <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="AgencyName" use="required"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ProjectsResponse RequestTimestamp="2022-11-19T00:01:28.608968+00:00">
        <Project ProjectId="D3M7N8P95QGM" ProgramId="R3XE87VP6NB6" ProjectNumber="EX-00011" Url="" LastChangeTimestamp="2022-11-01T12:52:11-07:00">
            <ProjectOwner Name="Example User" Email="" />
            <CurrentStatus StatusId="TMJFE4VM7XCJ" Name="Submitted" Timestamp="2022-11-01T12:33:52-07:00" />

Response Parameters

Name Value Description
ProjectsResponse.RequestTimestamp datetime Timestamp of the request was made. This value is always converted to UTC.
Project.ProjectId string Unique identifier for the project.
Project.ProgramId string Unique identifier for the program.
Project.ProjectNumber string Number assigned to the project upon submission.
Project.Url string Url to the landing page of the project.
Project.LastChangeTimestamp datetime Last time a change was made to the project. This value is in the time zone of the program.
ProjectOwner.Name string Full name of the assigned owner of the project.
ProjectOwner.Email string Email address of the assigned owner of the project.
CurrentStatus.StatusId string Unique identifier for the project’s status.
CurrentStatus.CustomId string Optional, admin-set unique identifier for the status
CurrentStatus.Name string Name of the status.
CurrentStatus.Timestamp datetime Last time a change was made to the project’s status. This value is in the time zone of the program.