Bill Calculations

Using the Bill method, you can perform detailed bill calculations using customer energy data of various granularity, from total annual energy use down to 15-minute interval data. The response will provide total electric bill charges by billing period, and a breakdown of energy usage and individual charges, such as fixed, energy and demand charges.
Step by Step

1) Find an electric rate using a zip code and our Rates lookup method.

import requests
import json

ratesEndPoint = ''
userName = '' 
password = 'your_password'
zipCode = '98105'

def get_default_residential_rate(zipCode, userName, password):	

   response = requests.get(ratesEndPoint + zipCode, auth = (userName, password))
   if(response.status_code !=
        print (response, response.text)

   jsonResponse = response.json()['Rates']
   for rate in jsonResponse:
            if rate['Sector'] == 'Residential' and rate['IsDefault'] == True:
                  return rate['Id']

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print ('Default residential rate ID: ' + get_default_residential_rate(zipCode, userName, password))

2) Calculate bills using customer energy data. The example below uses total annual energy consumption.

import requests
import urllib
import json

billEndPoint = ''
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

userName = '' 
password = 'your_password'

def calculate_bill_total_charge(rate, userName, password):	
    billRequest = {
    "Meters": [
            "Name": "House",
            "Rate": { "Id": "U75T86" },
            "EnergyProfiles": [
                    "Type": "Consumption",
                    "IntervalData": {
                        "Interval": "Year",
                        "Data": [
                            "Energy_kWh":  12000.0 
    response =, headers = headers, data = json.dumps(billRequest), auth = (userName, password))
    if(response.status_code !=
       print (response, response.text)

    response = response.json()
    billTotalCharge = response['Bills'][0]["BillTotals"]["TotalCharge"]
    return billTotalCharge

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print ("Total Charge: " + str(calculate_bill_total_charge("UEBR75", userName, password)))




Bill calculations are performed for individual Meters and are based on EnergyProfiles grouped within a meter. Energy profiles can be of Type “Consumption” (such as a building’s energy usage) or of Type “Production” (such as a solar system). Multiple consumption and production energy profiles may be specified and will be combined before calculating the bill. If multiple meters are specified, a bill calculation will be performed and returned for each meter.


Energy data provided as part of an energy profile can be specified in hourly, 30-minute or 15-minute intervals. Sometimes you may not have access to detailed consumption data. In these cases (for consumption profiles only) you can provide energy data in annual or monthly quantities. When annual or monthly quantities are provided, the service will synthesize an hourly profile before calculating the bill. Alternatively, you can provide a total annual bill amount, in which case the service will synthesize an energy profile that results in the specified annual bill amount and use that energy profile for the bill calculations. The service uses localized, typical consumption profiles to perform this energy profile synthesis when monthly or annual values are provided.


Here are a few sample Bill request payloads where multiple EnergyProfiles are specified.

	"Meters": [{
		"Name": "House",
		"Rate": {
			"Id": "A31UX4"
		"EnergyProfiles": [{
			"Type": "Consumption",
			"IntervalData": {
				"Interval": "Year",
				"Data": [{
					"Energy_kWh": 12000

	"Meters": [{
		"Name": "House",
		"Rate": {
			"Id": "GKTY00"
		"EnergyProfiles": [{
			"Type": "Consumption",
			"IntervalData": {
				"Interval": "Year",
				"Data": [{
					"BillAmount": 1200.00

	"Meters": [{
		"Name": "House",
		"Rate": {
			"Id": "A31UX4"
		"EnergyProfiles": [{
			"Type": "Consumption",
			"Scenario": "Both",
			"IntervalData": {
				"Interval": "Month",
				"IntervalConvention": "IntervalStart",
				"Data": [{
					"Time": "2014-01-01T00:00:00",
					"Energy_kWh": 756
					"Time": "2014-02-01T00:00:00",
					"Energy_kWh": 624
					"Time": "2014-03-01T00:00:00",
					"Energy_kWh": 634
					"Time": "2014-04-01T00:00:00",
					"Energy_kWh": 712
					"Time": "2014-05-01T00:00:00",
					"Energy_kWh": 761
					"Time": "2014-06-01T00:00:00",
					"Energy_kWh": 855
					"Time": "2014-07-01T00:00:00",
					"Energy_kWh": 940
					"Time": "2014-08-01T00:00:00",
					"Energy_kWh": 932
					"Time": "2014-09-01T00:00:00",
					"Energy_kWh": 893
					"Time": "2014-10-01T00:00:00",
					"Energy_kWh": 751
					"Time": "2014-11-01T00:00:00",
					"Energy_kWh": 716
					"Time": "2014-12-01T00:00:00",
					"Energy_kWh": 790

	"Meters": [{
		"Name": "House",
		"Rate": {
			"Id": "A31UX4"
		"EnergyProfiles": [{
			"Type": "Consumption",
			"IntervalData": {
				"Interpolation": "Average",
				"Interval": "HalfHour",
				"IntervalConvention": "IntervalStart",
				"Data": [{
					"Time": "2015-11-09T00:00:00",
					"Energy_kWh": 0.19
					"Time": "2015-11-09T00:30:00",
					"Energy_kWh": 0.15
				<em>Edited for length</em>
					"Time": "2016-11-08T23:00:00",
					"Energy_kWh": 0.24
					"Time": "2016-11-08T23:30:00",
					"Energy_kWh": 0.26
When energy data is provided in hourly, 30-minute or 15-minute resolution, the request payload must be compressed. The sample below gives one example of making a Bill request with a compressed payload (note that total annual energy is used instead of hourly, 30-minute or 15-minute data to keep the sample short).

import requests
import urllib
import json
import StringIO
import gzip

billEndPoint = ''
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

userName = '' 
password = 'your_password'

def calculate_bill_total_charge(rate, userName, password):	
    billRequest = {
    "Meters": [
            "Name": "House",
            "Rate": { "Id": rate },
            "EnergyProfiles": [
                    "Type": "Consumption",
                    "IntervalData": {
                        "Interval": "Year",
                        "Data": [
                            "Energy_kWh":  12000 

    request = requests.Request('POST', billEndPoint, headers = headers, data = json.dumps(billRequest), auth = (userName, password))
    preparedRequest = request.prepare()
    #use gzip to compress the request
    stream = StringIO.StringIO()
    zippedFile = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj = stream, mode = 'w')
    #write the compressed request in the prepared request body
    preparedRequest.body = stream.getvalue()
    #update the request header with content-encoding and content-length
    preparedRequest.headers['content-encoding'] = 'gzip'
    preparedRequest.headers['content-length'] = str(len(preparedRequest.body))                   
    #send the prepared request and process the response   
    response = requests.Session().send(preparedRequest)
    if(response.status_code !=
        print (response, response.text)

    response = response.json()
    billTotalCharge = response['Bills'][0]["BillTotals"]["TotalCharge"]
    return billTotalCharge

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print ("Total Charge: $" + str(calculate_bill_total_charge('GKTY00', userName, password)))

The response contains summary rate, bill and energy use information across all bill periods. Additionally, the bill and energy use information is provided for each individual billing period. Within each billing period is a detailed breakdown of individual charges by season and time-of-use period, when applicable. The sample below returns bill calculations for 12 monthly billing periods using a time-of-use rate.

	"Bills": [{
		"HoursInBill": 8760.0,
		"EnergyTotals": {
			"Consumed_kWh": 12000.0,
			"Inflow_kWh": 12000.0,
			"Purchased_kWh": 12000.0
		"Rate": {
			"UtilityDescription": "Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E)",
			"Id": "5EWFBY",
			"UtilityId": "CT1EW0",
			"Description": "Residential Time of Use Option A"
		"BillTotals": {
			"MinimumBill": 119.92,
			"EnergyCharge": 3112.99,
			"DemandCharge": 0.0,
			"TotalCharge": 3112.99,
			"FixedCharge": 0.0
		"PeriodBills": [{
			"ProductionCreditAccounting": {
				"CarryoverFromPreviousPeriod": 0.0,
				"UsedThisPeriod": 0.0,
				"CreditUnit": "Dollars",
				"CarryoverToNextPeriod": 0.0,
				"AvailableThisPeriod": 0.0,
				"AddedThisPeriod": 0.0
			"PeriodStart": "2017-01-01T00:00:00",
			"PeriodEnd": "2017-01-31T00:00:00",
			"Seasons": [{
				"TouPeriods": [{
					"EnergyTotals": {
						"Consumed_kWh": 199.056,
						"MaxDemand_kW": 2.16,
						"Inflow_kWh": 199.056,
						"Purchased_kWh": 199.056
					"Name": "On-Peak",
					"EnergyCharges": [{
						"Energy_kWh": 199.056,
						"Charge": 33.31,
						"UnitPrice": 0.16733
					"EnergyTotals": {
						"Consumed_kWh": 913.649,
						"MaxDemand_kW": 2.16,
						"Inflow_kWh": 913.649,
						"Purchased_kWh": 913.649
					"Name": "Off-Peak",
					"EnergyCharges": [{
						"Energy_kWh": 913.649,
						"Charge": 139.82,
						"UnitPrice": 0.15303
				"Name": "Winter",
				"HoursInSeason": 744.0,
				"MinimumBill": 10.18,
				"EnergyTotals": {
					"Consumed_kWh": 1112.704,
					"MaxDemand_kW": 2.16,
					"Inflow_kWh": 1112.704,
					"Purchased_kWh": 1112.704
				"EnergyCharges": [{
					"Energy_kWh": 1112.704,
					"Charge": 25.9,
					"UnitPrice": 0.02328,
					"Type": "NonBypassable"
					"Tier": 1,
					"Energy_kWh": 328.6,
					"Charge": -7.82,
					"UnitPrice": -0.02381
					"Tier": 2,
					"Energy_kWh": 784.104,
					"Charge": 75.51,
					"UnitPrice": 0.0963
				"FixedCharge": 0.0
			"EnergyTotals": {
				"Consumed_kWh": 1112.704,
				"Inflow_kWh": 1112.704,
				"Purchased_kWh": 1112.704
			"BillTotals": {
				"MinimumBill": 10.18,
				"EnergyCharge": 266.71,
				"DemandCharge": 0.0,
				"TotalCharge": 266.71,
				"FixedCharge": 0.0
			"ProductionCreditAccounting": {
				"CarryoverFromPreviousPeriod": 0.0,
				"UsedThisPeriod": 0.0,
				"CreditUnit": "Dollars",
				"CarryoverToNextPeriod": 0.0,
				"AvailableThisPeriod": 0.0,
				"AddedThisPeriod": 0.0
			"PeriodStart": "2017-02-01T00:00:00",
			"PeriodEnd": "2017-02-28T00:00:00",
			"Seasons": [{
				"TouPeriods": [{
					"EnergyTotals": {
						"Consumed_kWh": 165.26,
						"MaxDemand_kW": 1.981,
						"Inflow_kWh": 165.26,
						"Purchased_kWh": 165.26
					"Name": "On-Peak",
					"EnergyCharges": [{
						"Energy_kWh": 165.26,
						"Charge": 27.65,
						"UnitPrice": 0.16733
					"EnergyTotals": {
						"Consumed_kWh": 773.982,
						"MaxDemand_kW": 1.981,
						"Inflow_kWh": 773.982,
						"Purchased_kWh": 773.982
					"Name": "Off-Peak",
					"EnergyCharges": [{
						"Energy_kWh": 773.982,
						"Charge": 118.44,
						"UnitPrice": 0.15303
				"Name": "Winter",
				"HoursInSeason": 672.0,
				"MinimumBill": 9.2,
				"EnergyTotals": {
					"Consumed_kWh": 939.242,
					"MaxDemand_kW": 1.981,
					"Inflow_kWh": 939.242,
					"Purchased_kWh": 939.242
				"EnergyCharges": [{
					"Energy_kWh": 939.242,
					"Charge": 21.87,
					"UnitPrice": 0.02328,
					"Type": "NonBypassable"
					"Tier": 1,
					"Energy_kWh": 296.8,
					"Charge": -7.07,
					"UnitPrice": -0.02381
					"Tier": 2,
					"Energy_kWh": 642.442,
					"Charge": 61.87,
					"UnitPrice": 0.0963
				"FixedCharge": 0.0
			"EnergyTotals": {
				"Consumed_kWh": 939.242,
				"Inflow_kWh": 939.242,
				"Purchased_kWh": 939.242
			"BillTotals": {
				"MinimumBill": 9.2,
				"EnergyCharge": 222.76,
				"DemandCharge": 0.0,
				"TotalCharge": 222.76,
				"FixedCharge": 0.0
			"ProductionCreditAccounting": {
				"CarryoverFromPreviousPeriod": 0.0,
				"UsedThisPeriod": 0.0,
				"CreditUnit": "Dollars",
				"CarryoverToNextPeriod": 0.0,
				"AvailableThisPeriod": 0.0,
				"AddedThisPeriod": 0.0
			"PeriodStart": "2017-03-01T00:00:00",
			"PeriodEnd": "2017-03-31T00:00:00",
			"Seasons": [{
				"TouPeriods": [{
					"EnergyTotals": {
						"Consumed_kWh": 181.047,
						"MaxDemand_kW": 1.891,
						"Inflow_kWh": 181.047,
						"Purchased_kWh": 181.047
					"Name": "On-Peak",
					"EnergyCharges": [{
						"Energy_kWh": 181.047,
						"Charge": 30.29,
						"UnitPrice": 0.16733
					"EnergyTotals": {
						"Consumed_kWh": 809.443,
						"MaxDemand_kW": 1.891,
						"Inflow_kWh": 809.443,
						"Purchased_kWh": 809.443
					"Name": "Off-Peak",
					"EnergyCharges": [{
						"Energy_kWh": 809.443,
						"Charge": 123.87,
						"UnitPrice": 0.15303
				"Name": "Winter",
				"HoursInSeason": 744.0,
				"MinimumBill": 10.18,
				"EnergyTotals": {
					"Consumed_kWh": 990.489,
					"MaxDemand_kW": 1.891,
					"Inflow_kWh": 990.489,
					"Purchased_kWh": 990.489
				"EnergyCharges": [{
					"Energy_kWh": 990.489,
					"Charge": 23.06,
					"UnitPrice": 0.02328,
					"Type": "NonBypassable"
					"Tier": 1,
					"Energy_kWh": 328.6,
					"Charge": -7.82,
					"UnitPrice": -0.02381
					"Tier": 2,
					"Energy_kWh": 661.889,
					"Charge": 63.74,
					"UnitPrice": 0.0963
				"FixedCharge": 0.0
			"EnergyTotals": {
				"Consumed_kWh": 990.489,
				"Inflow_kWh": 990.489,
				"Purchased_kWh": 990.489
			"BillTotals": {
				"MinimumBill": 10.18,
				"EnergyCharge": 233.14,
				"DemandCharge": 0.0,
				"TotalCharge": 233.14,
				"FixedCharge": 0.0
			"ProductionCreditAccounting": {
				"CarryoverFromPreviousPeriod": 0.0,
				"UsedThisPeriod": 0.0,
				"CreditUnit": "Dollars",
				"CarryoverToNextPeriod": 0.0,
				"AvailableThisPeriod": 0.0,
				"AddedThisPeriod": 0.0
			"PeriodStart": "2017-04-01T00:00:00",
			"PeriodEnd": "2017-04-30T00:00:00",
			"Seasons": [{
				"TouPeriods": [{
					"EnergyTotals": {
						"Consumed_kWh": 146.989,
						"MaxDemand_kW": 1.817,
						"Inflow_kWh": 146.989,
						"Purchased_kWh": 146.989
					"Name": "On-Peak",
					"EnergyCharges": [{
						"Energy_kWh": 146.989,
						"Charge": 24.6,
						"UnitPrice": 0.16733
					"EnergyTotals": {
						"Consumed_kWh": 786.737,
						"MaxDemand_kW": 1.817,
						"Inflow_kWh": 786.737,
						"Purchased_kWh": 786.737
					"Name": "Off-Peak",
					"EnergyCharges": [{
						"Energy_kWh": 786.737,
						"Charge": 120.39,
						"UnitPrice": 0.15303
				"Name": "Winter",
				"HoursInSeason": 720.0,
				"MinimumBill": 9.86,
				"EnergyTotals": {
					"Consumed_kWh": 933.726,
					"MaxDemand_kW": 1.817,
					"Inflow_kWh": 933.726,
					"Purchased_kWh": 933.726
				"EnergyCharges": [{
					"Energy_kWh": 933.726,
					"Charge": 21.74,
					"UnitPrice": 0.02328,
					"Type": "NonBypassable"
					"Tier": 1,
					"Energy_kWh": 318.0,
					"Charge": -7.57,
					"UnitPrice": -0.02381
					"Tier": 2,
					"Energy_kWh": 615.726,
					"Charge": 59.29,
					"UnitPrice": 0.0963
				"FixedCharge": 0.0
			"EnergyTotals": {
				"Consumed_kWh": 933.726,
				"Inflow_kWh": 933.726,
				"Purchased_kWh": 933.726
			"BillTotals": {
				"MinimumBill": 9.86,
				"EnergyCharge": 218.45,
				"DemandCharge": 0.0,
				"TotalCharge": 218.45,
				"FixedCharge": 0.0
			"ProductionCreditAccounting": {
				"CarryoverFromPreviousPeriod": 0.0,
				"UsedThisPeriod": 0.0,
				"CreditUnit": "Dollars",
				"CarryoverToNextPeriod": 0.0,
				"AvailableThisPeriod": 0.0,
				"AddedThisPeriod": 0.0
			"PeriodStart": "2017-05-01T00:00:00",
			"PeriodEnd": "2017-05-31T00:00:00",
			"Seasons": [{
				"TouPeriods": [{
					"EnergyTotals": {
						"Consumed_kWh": 152.973,
						"MaxDemand_kW": 1.688,
						"Inflow_kWh": 152.973,
						"Purchased_kWh": 152.973
					"Name": "On-Peak",
					"EnergyCharges": [{
						"Energy_kWh": 152.973,
						"Charge": 25.6,
						"UnitPrice": 0.16733
					"EnergyTotals": {
						"Consumed_kWh": 768.655,
						"MaxDemand_kW": 1.688,
						"Inflow_kWh": 768.655,
						"Purchased_kWh": 768.655
					"Name": "Off-Peak",
					"EnergyCharges": [{
						"Energy_kWh": 768.655,
						"Charge": 117.63,
						"UnitPrice": 0.15303
				"Name": "Winter",
				"HoursInSeason": 744.0,
				"MinimumBill": 10.18,
				"EnergyTotals": {
					"Consumed_kWh": 921.628,
					"MaxDemand_kW": 1.688,
					"Inflow_kWh": 921.628,
					"Purchased_kWh": 921.628
				"EnergyCharges": [{
					"Energy_kWh": 921.628,
					"Charge": 21.46,
					"UnitPrice": 0.02328,
					"Type": "NonBypassable"
					"Tier": 1,
					"Energy_kWh": 328.6,
					"Charge": -7.82,
					"UnitPrice": -0.02381
					"Tier": 2,
					"Energy_kWh": 593.028,
					"Charge": 57.11,
					"UnitPrice": 0.0963
				"FixedCharge": 0.0
			"EnergyTotals": {
				"Consumed_kWh": 921.628,
				"Inflow_kWh": 921.628,
				"Purchased_kWh": 921.628
			"BillTotals": {
				"MinimumBill": 10.18,
				"EnergyCharge": 213.96,
				"DemandCharge": 0.0,
				"TotalCharge": 213.96,
				"FixedCharge": 0.0
			"ProductionCreditAccounting": {
				"CarryoverFromPreviousPeriod": 0.0,
				"UsedThisPeriod": 0.0,
				"CreditUnit": "Dollars",
				"CarryoverToNextPeriod": 0.0,
				"AvailableThisPeriod": 0.0,
				"AddedThisPeriod": 0.0
			"PeriodStart": "2017-06-01T00:00:00",
			"PeriodEnd": "2017-06-30T00:00:00",
			"Seasons": [{
				"TouPeriods": [{
					"EnergyTotals": {
						"Consumed_kWh": 179.388,
						"MaxDemand_kW": 1.8,
						"Inflow_kWh": 179.388,
						"Purchased_kWh": 179.388
					"Name": "On-Peak",
					"EnergyCharges": [{
						"Energy_kWh": 179.388,
						"Charge": 51.18,
						"UnitPrice": 0.28529
					"EnergyTotals": {
						"Consumed_kWh": 777.386,
						"MaxDemand_kW": 1.8,
						"Inflow_kWh": 777.386,
						"Purchased_kWh": 777.386
					"Name": "Off-Peak",
					"EnergyCharges": [{
						"Energy_kWh": 777.386,
						"Charge": 163.03,
						"UnitPrice": 0.20971
				"Name": "Summer",
				"HoursInSeason": 720.0,
				"MinimumBill": 9.86,
				"EnergyTotals": {
					"Consumed_kWh": 956.774,
					"MaxDemand_kW": 1.8,
					"Inflow_kWh": 956.774,
					"Purchased_kWh": 956.774
				"EnergyCharges": [{
					"Energy_kWh": 956.774,
					"Charge": 22.27,
					"UnitPrice": 0.02328,
					"Type": "NonBypassable"
					"Tier": 1,
					"Energy_kWh": 315.0,
					"Charge": -7.5,
					"UnitPrice": -0.02381
					"Tier": 2,
					"Energy_kWh": 641.774,
					"Charge": 61.8,
					"UnitPrice": 0.0963
				"FixedCharge": 0.0
			"EnergyTotals": {
				"Consumed_kWh": 956.774,
				"Inflow_kWh": 956.774,
				"Purchased_kWh": 956.774
			"BillTotals": {
				"MinimumBill": 9.86,
				"EnergyCharge": 290.78,
				"DemandCharge": 0.0,
				"TotalCharge": 290.78,
				"FixedCharge": 0.0
			"ProductionCreditAccounting": {
				"CarryoverFromPreviousPeriod": 0.0,
				"UsedThisPeriod": 0.0,
				"CreditUnit": "Dollars",
				"CarryoverToNextPeriod": 0.0,
				"AvailableThisPeriod": 0.0,
				"AddedThisPeriod": 0.0
			"PeriodStart": "2017-07-01T00:00:00",
			"PeriodEnd": "2017-07-31T00:00:00",
			"Seasons": [{
				"TouPeriods": [{
					"EnergyTotals": {
						"Consumed_kWh": 195.397,
						"MaxDemand_kW": 2.086,
						"Inflow_kWh": 195.397,
						"Purchased_kWh": 195.397
					"Name": "On-Peak",
					"EnergyCharges": [{
						"Energy_kWh": 195.397,
						"Charge": 55.74,
						"UnitPrice": 0.28529
					"EnergyTotals": {
						"Consumed_kWh": 895.531,
						"MaxDemand_kW": 2.086,
						"Inflow_kWh": 895.531,
						"Purchased_kWh": 895.531
					"Name": "Off-Peak",
					"EnergyCharges": [{
						"Energy_kWh": 895.531,
						"Charge": 187.8,
						"UnitPrice": 0.20971
				"Name": "Summer",
				"HoursInSeason": 744.0,
				"MinimumBill": 10.18,
				"EnergyTotals": {
					"Consumed_kWh": 1090.928,
					"MaxDemand_kW": 2.086,
					"Inflow_kWh": 1090.928,
					"Purchased_kWh": 1090.928
				"EnergyCharges": [{
					"Energy_kWh": 1090.928,
					"Charge": 25.4,
					"UnitPrice": 0.02328,
					"Type": "NonBypassable"
					"Tier": 1,
					"Energy_kWh": 325.5,
					"Charge": -7.75,
					"UnitPrice": -0.02381
					"Tier": 2,
					"Energy_kWh": 765.428,
					"Charge": 73.71,
					"UnitPrice": 0.0963
				"FixedCharge": 0.0
			"EnergyTotals": {
				"Consumed_kWh": 1090.928,
				"Inflow_kWh": 1090.928,
				"Purchased_kWh": 1090.928
			"BillTotals": {
				"MinimumBill": 10.18,
				"EnergyCharge": 334.9,
				"DemandCharge": 0.0,
				"TotalCharge": 334.9,
				"FixedCharge": 0.0
			"ProductionCreditAccounting": {
				"CarryoverFromPreviousPeriod": 0.0,
				"UsedThisPeriod": 0.0,
				"CreditUnit": "Dollars",
				"CarryoverToNextPeriod": 0.0,
				"AvailableThisPeriod": 0.0,
				"AddedThisPeriod": 0.0
			"PeriodStart": "2017-08-01T00:00:00",
			"PeriodEnd": "2017-08-31T00:00:00",
			"Seasons": [{
				"TouPeriods": [{
					"EnergyTotals": {
						"Consumed_kWh": 211.755,
						"MaxDemand_kW": 2.011,
						"Inflow_kWh": 211.755,
						"Purchased_kWh": 211.755
					"Name": "On-Peak",
					"EnergyCharges": [{
						"Energy_kWh": 211.755,
						"Charge": 60.41,
						"UnitPrice": 0.28529
					"EnergyTotals": {
						"Consumed_kWh": 822.643,
						"MaxDemand_kW": 2.011,
						"Inflow_kWh": 822.643,
						"Purchased_kWh": 822.643
					"Name": "Off-Peak",
					"EnergyCharges": [{
						"Energy_kWh": 822.643,
						"Charge": 172.52,
						"UnitPrice": 0.20971
				"Name": "Summer",
				"HoursInSeason": 744.0,
				"MinimumBill": 10.18,
				"EnergyTotals": {
					"Consumed_kWh": 1034.398,
					"MaxDemand_kW": 2.011,
					"Inflow_kWh": 1034.398,
					"Purchased_kWh": 1034.398
				"EnergyCharges": [{
					"Energy_kWh": 1034.398,
					"Charge": 24.08,
					"UnitPrice": 0.02328,
					"Type": "NonBypassable"
					"Tier": 1,
					"Energy_kWh": 325.5,
					"Charge": -7.75,
					"UnitPrice": -0.02381
					"Tier": 2,
					"Energy_kWh": 708.898,
					"Charge": 68.27,
					"UnitPrice": 0.0963
				"FixedCharge": 0.0
			"EnergyTotals": {
				"Consumed_kWh": 1034.398,
				"Inflow_kWh": 1034.398,
				"Purchased_kWh": 1034.398
			"BillTotals": {
				"MinimumBill": 10.18,
				"EnergyCharge": 317.53,
				"DemandCharge": 0.0,
				"TotalCharge": 317.53,
				"FixedCharge": 0.0
			"ProductionCreditAccounting": {
				"CarryoverFromPreviousPeriod": 0.0,
				"UsedThisPeriod": 0.0,
				"CreditUnit": "Dollars",
				"CarryoverToNextPeriod": 0.0,
				"AvailableThisPeriod": 0.0,
				"AddedThisPeriod": 0.0
			"PeriodStart": "2017-09-01T00:00:00",
			"PeriodEnd": "2017-09-30T00:00:00",
			"Seasons": [{
				"TouPeriods": [{
					"EnergyTotals": {
						"Consumed_kWh": 169.898,
						"MaxDemand_kW": 1.887,
						"Inflow_kWh": 169.898,
						"Purchased_kWh": 169.898
					"Name": "On-Peak",
					"EnergyCharges": [{
						"Energy_kWh": 169.898,
						"Charge": 48.47,
						"UnitPrice": 0.28529
					"EnergyTotals": {
						"Consumed_kWh": 770.696,
						"MaxDemand_kW": 1.887,
						"Inflow_kWh": 770.696,
						"Purchased_kWh": 770.696
					"Name": "Off-Peak",
					"EnergyCharges": [{
						"Energy_kWh": 770.696,
						"Charge": 161.62,
						"UnitPrice": 0.20971
				"Name": "Summer",
				"HoursInSeason": 720.0,
				"MinimumBill": 9.86,
				"EnergyTotals": {
					"Consumed_kWh": 940.594,
					"MaxDemand_kW": 1.887,
					"Inflow_kWh": 940.594,
					"Purchased_kWh": 940.594
				"EnergyCharges": [{
					"Energy_kWh": 940.594,
					"Charge": 21.9,
					"UnitPrice": 0.02328,
					"Type": "NonBypassable"
					"Tier": 1,
					"Energy_kWh": 315.0,
					"Charge": -7.5,
					"UnitPrice": -0.02381
					"Tier": 2,
					"Energy_kWh": 625.594,
					"Charge": 60.24,
					"UnitPrice": 0.0963
				"FixedCharge": 0.0
			"EnergyTotals": {
				"Consumed_kWh": 940.594,
				"Inflow_kWh": 940.594,
				"Purchased_kWh": 940.594
			"BillTotals": {
				"MinimumBill": 9.86,
				"EnergyCharge": 284.73,
				"DemandCharge": 0.0,
				"TotalCharge": 284.73,
				"FixedCharge": 0.0
			"ProductionCreditAccounting": {
				"CarryoverFromPreviousPeriod": 0.0,
				"UsedThisPeriod": 0.0,
				"CreditUnit": "Dollars",
				"CarryoverToNextPeriod": 0.0,
				"AvailableThisPeriod": 0.0,
				"AddedThisPeriod": 0.0
			"PeriodStart": "2017-10-01T00:00:00",
			"PeriodEnd": "2017-10-31T00:00:00",
			"Seasons": [{
				"TouPeriods": [{
					"EnergyTotals": {
						"Consumed_kWh": 157.317,
						"MaxDemand_kW": 1.723,
						"Inflow_kWh": 157.317,
						"Purchased_kWh": 157.317
					"Name": "On-Peak",
					"EnergyCharges": [{
						"Energy_kWh": 157.317,
						"Charge": 26.32,
						"UnitPrice": 0.16733
					"EnergyTotals": {
						"Consumed_kWh": 752.845,
						"MaxDemand_kW": 1.723,
						"Inflow_kWh": 752.845,
						"Purchased_kWh": 752.845
					"Name": "Off-Peak",
					"EnergyCharges": [{
						"Energy_kWh": 752.845,
						"Charge": 115.21,
						"UnitPrice": 0.15303
				"Name": "Winter",
				"HoursInSeason": 744.0,
				"MinimumBill": 10.18,
				"EnergyTotals": {
					"Consumed_kWh": 910.162,
					"MaxDemand_kW": 1.723,
					"Inflow_kWh": 910.162,
					"Purchased_kWh": 910.162
				"EnergyCharges": [{
					"Energy_kWh": 910.162,
					"Charge": 21.19,
					"UnitPrice": 0.02328,
					"Type": "NonBypassable"
					"Tier": 1,
					"Energy_kWh": 328.6,
					"Charge": -7.82,
					"UnitPrice": -0.02381
					"Tier": 2,
					"Energy_kWh": 581.562,
					"Charge": 56.0,
					"UnitPrice": 0.0963
				"FixedCharge": 0.0
			"EnergyTotals": {
				"Consumed_kWh": 910.162,
				"Inflow_kWh": 910.162,
				"Purchased_kWh": 910.162
			"BillTotals": {
				"MinimumBill": 10.18,
				"EnergyCharge": 210.9,
				"DemandCharge": 0.0,
				"TotalCharge": 210.9,
				"FixedCharge": 0.0
			"ProductionCreditAccounting": {
				"CarryoverFromPreviousPeriod": 0.0,
				"UsedThisPeriod": 0.0,
				"CreditUnit": "Dollars",
				"CarryoverToNextPeriod": 0.0,
				"AvailableThisPeriod": 0.0,
				"AddedThisPeriod": 0.0
			"PeriodStart": "2017-11-01T00:00:00",
			"PeriodEnd": "2017-11-30T00:00:00",
			"Seasons": [{
				"TouPeriods": [{
					"EnergyTotals": {
						"Consumed_kWh": 172.918,
						"MaxDemand_kW": 1.881,
						"Inflow_kWh": 172.918,
						"Purchased_kWh": 172.918
					"Name": "On-Peak",
					"EnergyCharges": [{
						"Energy_kWh": 172.918,
						"Charge": 28.93,
						"UnitPrice": 0.16733
					"EnergyTotals": {
						"Consumed_kWh": 827.993,
						"MaxDemand_kW": 1.881,
						"Inflow_kWh": 827.993,
						"Purchased_kWh": 827.993
					"Name": "Off-Peak",
					"EnergyCharges": [{
						"Energy_kWh": 827.993,
						"Charge": 126.71,
						"UnitPrice": 0.15303
				"Name": "Winter",
				"HoursInSeason": 720.0,
				"MinimumBill": 9.86,
				"EnergyTotals": {
					"Consumed_kWh": 1000.911,
					"MaxDemand_kW": 1.881,
					"Inflow_kWh": 1000.911,
					"Purchased_kWh": 1000.911
				"EnergyCharges": [{
					"Energy_kWh": 1000.911,
					"Charge": 23.3,
					"UnitPrice": 0.02328,
					"Type": "NonBypassable"
					"Tier": 1,
					"Energy_kWh": 318.0,
					"Charge": -7.57,
					"UnitPrice": -0.02381
					"Tier": 2,
					"Energy_kWh": 682.911,
					"Charge": 65.76,
					"UnitPrice": 0.0963
				"FixedCharge": 0.0
			"EnergyTotals": {
				"Consumed_kWh": 1000.911,
				"Inflow_kWh": 1000.911,
				"Purchased_kWh": 1000.911
			"BillTotals": {
				"MinimumBill": 9.86,
				"EnergyCharge": 237.14,
				"DemandCharge": 0.0,
				"TotalCharge": 237.14,
				"FixedCharge": 0.0
			"EnergyTotals": {
				"Consumed_kWh": 1168.442,
				"Inflow_kWh": 1168.442,
				"Purchased_kWh": 1168.442
			"PeriodStart": "2017-12-01T00:00:00",
			"ProductionCreditAccounting": {
				"CarryoverFromPreviousPeriod": 0.0,
				"UsedThisPeriod": 0.0,
				"CreditUnit": "Dollars",
				"CarryoverToNextPeriod": 0.0,
				"AvailableThisPeriod": 0.0,
				"AddedThisPeriod": 0.0
			"BillTotals": {
				"MinimumBill": 10.18,
				"EnergyCharge": 281.98,
				"DemandCharge": 0.0,
				"TotalCharge": 281.98,
				"FixedCharge": 0.0
			"Seasons": [{
				"TouPeriods": [{
					"EnergyTotals": {
						"Consumed_kWh": 203.989,
						"MaxDemand_kW": 2.177,
						"Inflow_kWh": 203.989,
						"Purchased_kWh": 203.989
					"Name": "On-Peak",
					"EnergyCharges": [{
						"Energy_kWh": 203.989,
						"Charge": 34.13,
						"UnitPrice": 0.16733
					"EnergyTotals": {
						"Consumed_kWh": 964.454,
						"MaxDemand_kW": 2.177,
						"Inflow_kWh": 964.454,
						"Purchased_kWh": 964.454
					"Name": "Off-Peak",
					"EnergyCharges": [{
						"Energy_kWh": 964.454,
						"Charge": 147.59,
						"UnitPrice": 0.15303
				"Name": "Winter",
				"HoursInSeason": 744.0,
				"MinimumBill": 10.18,
				"EnergyTotals": {
					"Consumed_kWh": 1168.442,
					"MaxDemand_kW": 2.177,
					"Inflow_kWh": 1168.442,
					"Purchased_kWh": 1168.442
				"EnergyCharges": [{
					"Energy_kWh": 1168.442,
					"Charge": 27.2,
					"UnitPrice": 0.02328,
					"Type": "NonBypassable"
					"Tier": 1,
					"Energy_kWh": 328.6,
					"Charge": -7.82,
					"UnitPrice": -0.02381
					"Tier": 2,
					"Energy_kWh": 839.842,
					"Charge": 80.88,
					"UnitPrice": 0.0963
				"FixedCharge": 0.0